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That warning to Xiao Qian was about as much as Chen Fan thought was necessary to alter the fate of Jiang Tanqiu.

He had left the decision to the couple themselves. If Xiao Qian were half as smart as Chen Fan estimated, she would heed his warning and not make the same mistake she did in her past life.

In the afternoon, with many pairs of eyes filled with disbelief, Chen Fan moved into the number one mansion. Even Jiang Tanqiu got relocated to number six mansion.

"How is that possible?"

Having heard the news, Zhao Shen was speechless.

He gave Chu Minhui a sour look and asked, "Are you sure this dude is just a nobody?"

The number one mansion was reserved exclusively as Liu Guodong's personal accommodation. It had never been used by any guests.

Zhao Shen had planned to fix Chen Fan up later that night; however, the development made him think better of it.

Chu Minhui furrowed his brows as he had never thought this would happen.

Li Yichen was the only person who could keep his calm. "That explains it! No wonder I felt Liu Teng's tone of voice changed a lot during our lunch. He must know Chen Fan."

"You mean through The Third Lord Wei?" Chu Minhui asked under his breath.

"That's the only explanation. Perhaps Third Lord had given our host a heads-up." Li Yichen walked back and forth in the room with his hands linked behind him.

"I don't know. Liu Guodong's wealth and power were on par with The Third Lord Wei. Liu Guodong didn't have to do it to impress him. Perhaps Chen Fan knew not only the third lord but also the second or the first lord of the Wei as well."

"The entire Wei family?"

Zhao Shen gasped.

Knowing the Third Lord was one thing while knowing the other two other lords of the Wei family was another.

They were much more reputable and powerful than their younger brother and were the real representatives of the Wei Family. The combined might and reputation of the two lords were nearly unmatched in the Jiang Bei region.

"Shit... I think we should call it quits." Zhao Shen wavered.

"Don't be afraid. Let's investigate more before we made a decision." Li Yichen nodded.

"Very well." Chu Minhui paused for a second and then said, "Wei Zipin is coming back from Jinlin City next week. I will talk to him about it."

"Wei Zipin?" Zhao Shen asked.

Wei Zipin was the most infamous rich brat of the Jiang Bei region. He was so out of control that his father had sent him off to his Uncle in Jin Lin City to be away from his hooligan friends.

"Thank god that Young Lord Wei is finally coming back!" Li Yichen's eyes lit up with glee.

"I wonder if Sheng Junwen will come back with him; I hope at least Wang Jun will."

"Wei Zipin, Shen Junwen, Wang Jun?"

Zhao Shen gaped. Those were all powerful young lords of Jiang Bei whose power were no less than Liu Teng.

"It sucks to be Chen Fan. His days are numbered." Zhao Sheng thought to himself.

"OMG. This mansion is fancier than Chu Minhui's family residence." Zhang Yumeng exclaimed jealously.

However, the thought that this was Chen Fan's accommodation curdled the exclamation into a bitter remark, "Whatever, it's not like we are in Bali or any world-class resort."

Rebirth of the Urban Immortal CultivatorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang