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The next day, Chen Fan headed towards Coco bar, right after dinner around seven.

University-town was a suburban area surrounded by several colleges and universities.

There were the Chu Zhou University, Chu Zhou City Teacher's University, Chu Zhou Engineering College, Chu Zhou City College, and the Chu Zhou City Health Science School. In fact, the Ivy League High School was technically within the jurisdiction of the University-town. Unlike the Ivy League High School which was located at the edge of the University-town, Coco bar was right at the center of it.

"Coco bar is not small by any stretch of the imagination. It is probably the third largest bar within a few blocks stretch. It's only seven pm, and the bar is already packed." Chen Fan thought to himself.

When he walked into the bar, he found out that Sister Ying had told him the truth. There was no ear-deafening bass nor scantily clad girls in the bar.

This was a bar for relaxing and meeting up with friends, not for picking up random girls. Like Sister Ying had told Chen Fan, many customers were university students.

Chen Fan nodded approvingly, and then he stopped a waitress that walked past him: "Excuse me; I am the cousin of Sister Ying. She told me to come here to look for her."

He told the girl exactly what Chen Ying had told him to say. The waitress was a beautiful girl in her early twenties. Chen Fan wagered that she was a student from the college working part-time at the bar. Surprise flashed across her face, and she said: "You are Sister Ying's cousin? Hmm... high school uniform... Are you still in high school?

"Everyone calls me Ziqi, but you can call me Sister Ziqi. I will take you to your cousin."

"Ziqi, What's going on?" A young man with a pale face and a pair of sunken eyes came over to the girl and asked hotly.

"Ah? Boss Yang!" Ziqi was startled by the young man, and she hurried a reply, "This is the Sister Ying's cousin. He is here for her."

"Well, take him to her then, don't dawdle! The customers are waiting." Boss Yang refuted annoyedly.

"Yes." Ziqi lowered her head and replied.

After Boss Yang was gone, she spat out her tongue and said to Chen Fan mischievously: "Boss Yang is the vice manager of our bar. We heard that he knows some important people in the city and he owns a significant portion of the bar's share. Don't let him scare you; he just likes to bark at people."

Chen Fan smiled and didn't speak. He reckoned that the girl had to be a very easy going person to stomach a douchebag boss.

When Chen Fan arrived at the general manager's office on the second floor, a broad smile broke over Sister-Ying's face. Greetings over, she asked Ziqi to take Chen Fan downstairs and introduce him to everyone.

Later, Chen Fan learned that he was going to be the Fruit Boy, and his job was simple: holding the platter of fruits when the customers ordered their food.

"There are three people in our bar who you don't want to mess with. Sister Ying was one, and the other one was Boss Yang." Ziqi told Chen Fan:" Rumor had it that Brother Dong was backing Boss Yang. He is very influential around here, and even Sister Ying had to watc what she said when Brother Dong is around. "

"The last one is the 'residence-girl' of our bar, 'Sister Ding-Ding.' To make her come work for us, Sister Ying had nearly begged her. She ranked 20th in last year's pageant show in the Jiangnan District. She attracts many customers and is good for business. But Ding-Ding has a very short temper and blames us for minor mistakes. You need to be very careful around her."

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