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Wu Junjie's friend Young Lord Din happened to be near the resort, so he arrived before anyone else.

Before he got there, the owner of the resort had invited both parties to a large meeting room. They were seated on either side of a large table. Yun Qianqian had changed into normal clothes and put her sunglasses back onto her face.

Chen Fan sat cross-legged and was enjoying the fruits on the table. Tong Shan stood behind Chen Fan like an iron pillar.

As soon as Young Lord Din entered the hall, he couldn't help but look toward Tong Shan. He turned toward Wu Junjie and asked: "What is going on, Junjie?"

"My friend had some quarrel with these guys. I hope you can help out. "Wu Junjie said with a sheepish smile.

"No problem. Everyone in Tian He will have to give me some face." Young Lord Din pounded his chest and reassured his distraught friend.

Suddenly, he heard a sneer from a short man beside him. "Hey kiddo, since when did I have to give you face?"

"Second Lord Pan?" Young Lord Din furrowed his brows as soon as he saw the short man.

Although Second Lord Pan lacked any talent, he had a powerful brother-in-law. Just recently, Han Tianshen had risen to power and took over Xin Zhong's number one spot in the Tian He City. Ding Youwei did not have sufficient power to fight back against such new royalty of the Tian He City.

However, Young Lord Din was dealing with Second Lord Pan instead of his powerful brother-in-law, and therefore, he still had some room for maneuvering. "Second Lord Pan, are you getting horny again? These are my friends, don't you dare touch any one of them."

Young Master Din had already got a handle on the situation.

Although Yun Qianqian's face was covered by sunglasses, her body and demeanor suggested that she was drop-dead gorgeous. Lin Weiwei was leggy and young. Her damp hair clung tightly to her budding bosom, and her smooth skin glistered tantalizingly under the sunlight. Second, Lord Pan had an infamous appetite for women, and Young Lord Din knew that he would easily clash with others for such beautiful things.

"Hehe, Din Youwei, who the hell do you think you think you are?" Second Lord Pan cracked a smile.

"So you are not going to give them a pass?" Din Youwei pulled a taut face and then asked.

Young Lord Din was a reputable figure in Tian He City. Most people would oblige him by now for the sake of his father. Young Lord Din believed that he and Second Lord Pan were equal in power, and his words should have carried some weight to the short pervert.

"Piss on you!" Second Lord Pan suddenly hurled a wine cup at Young Lord Din.

Din Youwei ducked and evaded the cup. His face turned black, and even as he was going to rush to his attacker, Wu Junjie stopped him and said under his breath. "He has a dozen people on his side. Be careful."

"Humph! I doubt they will harm me." Din Youwei grunted. However, fear had already crept into his mind.

"I am not afraid of that clown; I called you here because he said he is going to call his boss."Wu Junjie said.

"His boss?" Din Youwei's face twitched slightly.

He never remembered Second Lord Pan having ever called anyone boss except for one.

"I am not sure."Wu Junjie hesitated. "Sister Yun said that she ran away from a banquet with someone called Boss Han. That's why Second Lord Pan is after her."

"Boss Han, Han Tianshen?" Din Youwei's face paled.

"Indeed. That is my boss. What now, Din Youwei? Do you really want to offend my boss?" Second Lord Pan asked contemptuously as he sat in a chair cross-legged.

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