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Meanwhile, in a parking lot beneath the mountain top, a dark green jeep pulled over.

A man and a woman emerged from the jeep. The man was wearing a green army uniform and looked like he was in his forties. He stood upright while taking large and confident strides. His big and calloused hands were a tell-tale sign that this man was a seasoned veteran.

On the other hand, the woman had a cold but alluring face and a banging body. Her loosely fitted uniform was unable to hide her long and lean thighs as well as her curvaceous body.

After the two were out of the jeep, the middle aged man looked up at the mountain peak surrounded by mists. He cracked a cold smile and said: "So this is where our young head sergeant lives?"

"Sergeant Huo, please keep in mind that it was the Headquarters decision to hire Mr. Chen." The woman reminded him.

"Humpf! I don't care who is backing him up. I have to make sure that the next head sergeant of the Cang Dragon unit is competent." The middle aged man grunted.

Hearing the words, the women furrowed her brows.

Sergeant Huo was the deputy head sergeant who was in charge of close quarter combat training. He was a renowned Ba Ji Fist master. Rumor had it that he used the Art of Tremors to pulverize a large boulder.

He was a good friend of the former head sergeant, Mr. Xu. After Cang Dragon's defeat, the headquarters were going to fire head sergeant Xu, Sergeant Huo even fiercely protested for his best friend.

Later, when Sergeant Huo learned that the new head sergeant was a boy who hadn't turned twenty yet, Sergeant Huo was filled with indignant rage.

"A green babe less than twenty years old, what does he know of military training?"

Sergeant Huo ranted.

"Head Sergeant Chen will be in charge of personal combat training." The woman put in.

"That is absurd!" Sergeant Huo nearly lost his voice. "I started my martial arts training when I was only five and started the Ba Ji's Pi Gua form. When I was seventeen, I began my Internal Force training, and it wasn't until I reached thirty that I had mastered all fist forms. By now, I am still not quite there at the top level of the internal force cultivation yet.

"He was only a seventeen year old boy. The most he could have achieved by now was Initial Success in his Internal Force cultivation. I could have killed him with one backhand slap."

"But based on our data, Head Sergeant Chen is a Transcendent Master." The uniformed woman said with furrowed brows.

"Transcendent Master?" Sergeant Huo guffawed.

He shook his head and lamented.

"Xiao Yu, you are not a Martial artist, and therefore you don't quite understand what you are talking about.

"A Transcendent Master is someone as powerful as an immortal. Once a martial artist reached the Transcendent State, he would no longer be a mortal. Just like Ye Nantian, he could have traveled anywhere around the world at will."

The thought of Ye Nantian brought out a hint of respect to Sergeant Huo's face.

As the Combat Sergeant of the Cang Dragon unit which had fought Dragon's Fang in multiple tournaments, he had seen Ye Nantian's power at first hand. He was immediately enamored by Ye Nantian's unimaginable power and was convinced that Ye Nantian was no less powerful than an immortal.

"Could it be that our database was wrong?" Staff Officer Yu asked in disbelief.

As the person who was in charge of intel collections, she couldn't overlook such a glaring mistake in the information database. She would have to hold someone accountable for it if it turned out to be true.

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