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The Cang Dragon endured the most gruesome training of their life for the next month.

Cang Dragon Physical Conditioning Exercise was a completely different ball game compared to the conventional physical condition exercises. This was a brand new technique that Chen Fan created based on two elements: the External Force Exercises and the Immortal Cultivation techniques.

On the training ground, the soldiers stood in strange if not outright bizarre stances. Some balanced on one foot like a crane in a swamp, some wrapped their arms around their body as a monkey would to a tree trunk, the others were sitting quietly on the ground cross-legged as if they were practicing Yoga.

However, regardless of their posture, a pained look was etched on everyone's face. They felt as if every inch of their body was on fire as energy gathered inside of their system.

"I have never seen anything like this." Sergeant Gu grumbled.

"Let's give him some time. Head Sergeant Chen had god-like abilities. We shouldn't judge his methods using our earthly logic." Huo Donglai said heavily.

By then, He was completely enamored by Chen Fan's power.

The scene of Chen Fan jumping out of the helicopter had perished his conceit and pride, leaving only admiration and respect toward the young man. Martial Artists respected only one thing: power and Chen Fan was the most powerful man he had ever seen.

"I wonder what my sect brothers at the Ba Ji sect would think of him."

Huo Donglai thought in his mind.

Ba Ji Sect was an ancient martial arts sect, and the Ba Ji Fist that was popular among the public was just a tip of its enormous wealth of techniques. Most of the internal force arts were kept in the hands of the core branches of the sect. There even had been a Transcendent Master from the Ba Ji Sect.

Chen Fan linked his hands behind his back and slowly made his way to the training ground.

"Head Sergeant, your training method is... marvelous!" Sergeant Gu exclaimed.

"It was nothing, I only brought out the soldier's potential." Chen Fan said humbly.

The human body was full of undiscovered potential sources of energy. Even without relying on external energy, the human body itself was able to provide an incredible amount of energy. However, they were usually dormant unless during the time of crisis. Without using supplements, and careful diet control to replenish the energy, even a muscular man would become scrawny and a thin skeleton frame after a few of such outbursts of internal energy.

Cang Dragon Physical Conditioning Exercise were documented on many cultivation planets.

Even the cultivation nations waged war against each other. Therefore arts such as the Cang Dragon Physical Conditioning Exercise were widely adopted by the cultivation armies to mass produce powerful warriors. These warriors could even overwhelm mighty high-level cultivators due to their sheer number and decent abilities. However, they were no match against cultivators who had reached the level of Connate Spirit or higher. These cultivators were able to command swords to do his bidding from miles away, therefore, their enemy's advantage in number would not affect them.

"Head Sergeant, can I talk with you in private?"

Huo Donglai remembered a piece of news he heard a few days ago, so he came over to Chen Fan and asked cautiously.


Chen Fan looked over at him and nodded.

The two sergeants walked abreast with each other in the base and attracted many people's attention. Nearly all the eyes that looked to Chen Fan were filled with respect. Chen Fan had already become a legend among the workers in the base. Everyone was extremely curious about him, yet no one dares to approach.

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