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Half a month later, inside the base of the Cang Dragon units...

"Huu! Huu!"

The training ground was filled with the loud whistling sound of fists ripping open the air. Everyone watched as the Cang Dragon units practiced the fist techniques with strange but powerful movements. Some looked like a nimble monkey climbing up a tree, some looked like a bear charging into its prey and some looked like a tiger unleashing its deadly claws.

Compared to half a month ago, almost every one of them had buffed up significantly. Their arms were two large guns that were pumped with iron and steel. Their eyes had never been more focused, it was as if they had been transformed into a brand new person.


Cold-face the young man charged forward to build up momentum. When he had gained some speed, he spun and delivered a roundhouse kick. His kick whizzed through the air, slicing through the air like a sharp knife. The person in front of him felt the pressure on his skin from the disturbance in the air caused by the kick. He wagered that this kick would have toppled a medium sized tree.

"Hehe, Cold-face, that's kinda lame."

Facing such a powerful attack, Tank guffawed and rammed his shoulder at his attacker without flinching.


The kick landed on Tank's shoulder, however, Tank didn't move an inch. On the other hand, Cold-face has knocked away and stumbled a few feet back. He squealed: "Tank you are a beast! Why are you so much more powerful than most of us while we pretty much practice the same thing every day?"

By then, Tank's body had grown to about two meters. From afar, his hulking frame made him look just like a tank. The large man laughed out loud and said: "Haha! I am a genius. Head Sergeant's training method is tailored for me. You are too weak!"

Cold-face blushed. However, he didn't find any words to protest.

By then, many of the sergeants standing at the edge of the training ground nodded in approval.

"Tank had improved by leaps and bounds. Based on the test a few days ago, his muscle strength had scored 100, nearly three times more powerful than a normal human. He was able to lift over three hundred kilos which broke the record of the heaviest weight a human could lift."

Before the sergeant had finished his words, Yu Qin came over to him with another pile of test results. Yu Qin had always been cold and distant to her co-workers, however, her face lit up with joy now.

"The reports are out: their squats, lifting and pushing scores were 250, 235 and 220-kilograms."

"Wow!" Everyone gasped at the numbers.

Their scores could have rivaled that of gold medalists of the Olympic.

"That's not all of it. On average, they can finish one hundred meters in less than ten seconds and could sprint over two point five meters high. They could carry over ten-kilogram weight while running long distances..." Yu Qin continued to list the impressive statistics.

Everyone was stunned by what they heard. No had expected that the average stats of the Cang Dragon could be nearing the physical limits of the human body. What's more impressive was that they were much stronger and tougher than any gold medalists because each soldier was equivalent to many gold medalists in different fields.

With that thought in mind, everyone looked to the boy who stood quietly with his hands linked behind his back with a great measure of admiration.

He was the maker of this miracle!

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