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During the festival moment of the new year holiday, along the bank of the mighty Yangtze River...

The Jin City was hosting a lantern festival, so countless lanterns lit up both sides of the river. People weaved in and out of the gleaming lights, enjoying the lively and colorful view.

A group of teenagers traveled together along the causeway that hugged the shore. They sampled BBQ skewers and dried fish and then went on to bargain with peddlers of colorful chintzy bracelets and earrings.

Among the teenagers was a young girl of exceptional beauty and elegance. She attracted many passersby's attention in the streets.

Accompanying her was a handsome young man wearing a bespoke suit that made a gentleman out of a seventeen-year-old boy. His generous and confident demeanor made it obvious that he was from a powerful family. A group of teenagers surrounded him at the center.

"Xiao Qiong, look! There is a magic show, let's go look."

A girl held the elegant girl with one hand and pointed into the distance with another.

The girl looked up and saw at the other end of the causeway, where the street light was the brightest it set a stage where a magic show had just started. Unconsciously, she looked to her side and saw a man sitting in the shadows.

Beside the man was a flag, which read: "Destined Fate"

"A fortune teller?"

Fang Qiong was not superstitious by any stretch of the imagination. Although her friends were all enthusiasts of Tarot card readings and horoscopes, she was not like them. However, her legs started moving toward the fortuneteller without her command. Her best friend tried to stop her, but she managed to break free.

The fortune teller was sitting in the dark shadow and his face seemed to be covered by a thick mist. Therefore, Fong Qiong couldn't see his face clearly.

"Hi, Mr. Fortune Teller. Are you open for business?"

Fong Qiong's best friend caught up with her and asked the man in the shadow with an edge in her voice.

"I am not a fortune teller." The man said.

"Then what are you doing with that flag?" The girl snorted.

"I am here waiting for the love of my past life." The man said in an eerily even voice.

"Love of your past life?" The rest of the teenagers who accompanied Fong Qiong laughed.

They were from the educated upper class of Jin City, therefore they didn't believe in things of supernatural. One boy put in half-jokingly, half mockingly:

"How do you know which one is the love of your past life? There are so many people here, I can pick anyone as the wife of my past life."

"I have been waiting for her for five hundred years. Of course, I will recognize her when I see her." The man said readily.

"Waiting for five hundred years? Are you immortal? "Someone asked with a burst of laughter at the end.

"I am the seventh true disciple of Cangqin. The perfected immortal from the True Martial Immortal Sect. My sect name is Chen Beixuan, and my Dao name is North Mystic Celestial Lord. What difference is there between me and an immortal?" The man said proudly.

His words piqued everyone's interest. They formed a circle around the fortune teller and wanted to ask more questions.

Fong Qiong's best friend plastered on a thick smile and then asked: "Mr. North Mystic Celestial Lord, Master Chen Beixuan, do I look like the love of your past life?"

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