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When everyone had finally gathered themselves, Old Man Zhen ordered the servants to clean up the mess. The guards and workers stared at the mess left by the battle with disbelief. However, no one dared to ask a question, so they started to clean the room right away.

The event continued in another courtyard. In the middle of the courtyard was a table filled with food. Chen Fan sat down at the head of the table. Although most people around him were wealthier and more influential than Chen Fan, everyone thought that was a rightful place for Chen Fan.

After everyone had settled down in their seat, Chen Fan asked Han Yun: "Do I know you?"

He was very surprised when the girl told everyone about his past. The way she looked at him also suggested that it was not the first time the two had met. After Chen Fan had defeated Master Wu, she was also the first person to have spoken to him.

Han Yun gave Chen Fan an alluring smile and answered, "I grew up with Fei-Fei. We are tight like sisters."

Chen Fan nodded and said:

"Well, since you are Fei-Fei's friend, why don't you sit beside me?"

A broad smile broke over the Old Man Zhen's face. He nodded at Han Yun and willed her to oblige. With a smile, Han Yun sat down beside Chen Fan. She was a beautiful woman, and the tight suit she was wearing invited more fantasy than just usual business.

Sensing Old Man Zhen's subtle advance, the other business tycoons cursed in their mind.

"The fox is honey trapping again!"

Their minds raced. Already, they were thinking which ones of their nieces or daughters they could sell to Master Chen in exchange for his support. Master Chen looked like he was in his early teenage years. Therefore he was the most vulnerable to soft words and luscious body.

Unbeknownst to them, Chen Fan didn't have any lewd intent by inviting Han Yun to sit next to him. He did so only because he wanted to acknowledge her connection with Xu Rongfei.

After everyone had settled in their seats, Chen Fan looked to Master Qi and asked.

"Master Qi, you mentioned that Master Wu was 'transcended,' would you please explain what that means?"

Hearing Chen Fan addressing him as "master," Master Qi felt the honor was almost too great to bear.

"Master Chen, please, I am not worthy of the title 'master.'"

His defeat at the hands of Master Wu had taken the wind out of his sails. After seeing Chen Fan's ability to command the thunder and lightning, he had already revered Chen Fan as an immortal.

Since Master Qi's practice had exposed him to the realm of cultivation and therefore, he knew that Master Wu's Art of Ghost Reining could not compare with Chen Fan's Lightning Art. Chen Fan was at least a few magnitudes more powerful than Master Wu.

Nonetheless, Chen Fan had asked a question, and so he shall oblige." The so-called 'transcended' was a phrase used in the small circle of Cultivators. Once we have transcended into the realm of Dao, we would start to possess Dharmic powers which we could use to activate Dharma Artifacts and cast Dharma Spells.

"From the perspective of Taoism, it was called 'Refine the Aether and Form the Qi,' while Buddhists call it 'Solidify the Zen in the Realm of Womb.' However, to a martial artist, it was simply the process of projecting the external strength inward to form the Internal Force."

"Every school and sect had their own name for it, but they were essentially the same thing."

As Master Qi explained to Chen Fan, he couldn't help but wonder why someone, as experienced as Master Chen, would ask him these most basic questions. At his current level, there should have been tomes compiled to commemorate him and his power.

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