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When dusk arrived, the group of seven people took a speedboat to the small island in the center of Yangui Lake.

The island was only the size of a few football fields. However, it was filled to the brim with hotels, restaurants, and entertainment venues. This was one of the most expensive places to spend the night in Chu Zhou City.

"Linbao had chosen a convenient spot for him to escape." Master Guo looked around the island and then said.

"We have you with us this time; he won't get away. Haha!" Zhou Tianhao laughed.

"Better, be prepared than sorry." Guo Wei nodded, but the smug smile on his face had betrayed him. Being unchallenged for over ten years, Guo Wei had already gotten used to easy victories. Whether or not the opponent was really an Internal Force user was yet to be seen, and Guo Wei was not concerned about the clash with Linbao at all.

The place where they were supposed to meet was called the Egret House. Zhou Tianhao had rented the entire building for the night and had set up an ambush with hired bodyguards.

So shrewd was Zhou Tianhao that he would never put all of his eggs in one basket.

When they arrived on the third floor, Guo Wei sat down on a sofa. A waitress hurried to fill his teacup with tea. Her hands were trembling out of fear, nearly spilling the tea. The deadly quietness inside the Egret House was a stark contrast with the din outside.

Chen Fan sipped his tea and while appreciating the aesthetics of the traditional style tea house. If not for his duty, he would love to walk to the balcony and enjoy the view of the lake while savoring a cup of tea.

The group waited until midnight, and most people were getting impatient. Guo Wei suddenly announced with a deep, urgent voice:

"Someone is coming."

Even before Guo Wei's words receded, a wave of commotion rose from downstairs. Soon Chen Fan heard painful cries and howls, and a few seconds later, all the noise disappeared. Knowing their opponent was coming, the group on the third floor looked at each other uneasily.

They heard someone coming up the stairs; his footsteps were light but steady.

Zhou Tianhao swallowed hard. He had dispatched over a dozen capable bodyguards downstairs. Did they all get finished so quickly?

Finally, he realized that he had once again underestimated the strength of LinBao.

In a matter of seconds, the footsteps reached the landing on the third floor. Chen Fan looked to the entrance and saw a man in a black exercise suit and a pair of black kung-fu shoes. His face was disfigured by a large scar that ran across his face, which made him look all that much more terrifying.

"How are you doing, Boss Zhou? Why that face? Aren't you happy to see your old friend?" Linbao came over to Zhou Tianhao and sat down on the sofa across Zhou Tianhao. All the while, his face held a cold sneer as he fixed his eyes on his prey.

Zhou Tianhao managed to gather himself and said, "Linbao, why did you come back? Haven't you learned your lesson?"

"Oh, I have! Look at the scar on my face; I wore it like a badge of honor every day." Linbao said pulled the skin on his face, making the disfigurement look even more morbid. That was why I went outside of the country and started learning kung-fu."

"Can't we sit down and talk?" Zhou Tianhao said placatingly.

"Why yes! But you will have to go bankrupt first." LinBao sneered.

"There is no other way around it?" Zhou Tianhao asked under his breath."You know you can't win every fight even if you have learned how to use Internal Force."

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