Chapter 21

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I walked into my condo.
Me: Jess! Jess! Where are you

I walked around the house to see where she might be, I didn’t see her anywhere, I called her no answer. So I walk to the kitchen to have a drink and enjoy the house while Jessica isn’t here, went to sit down and notice some papers on the table the one on top was hand rewritten by Jessica, guess it’s for me.

my beloved, I know how much you love me so I couldn’t say this to your face, I don’t have the heart to. I can’t be with you anymore, although I love you and the sex is oh my god GREAT, but I crave more. I need more than one lover and I’m going somewhere I can get just that. I hope that this doesn’t leave any bad blood between us, I hope when I come back from my travels that we can still be friends but I can’t do this to you and still be married what if I meet someone. I am divorcing you, the papers are on the table all you have to do is sign and mail the papers. Please tell Maya I said bye and all of our other friends.

Your: Jessica

I sat down and reread the letter. I sign the paper then I went to mail it, I guess this is her Christmas gift to me. I walked to Maya’s condo knocked on the door.

Maya: hey

me: hey

she moved some so I could come in, I bend down and kiss her then I smiled at her.

Me: I have something to tell you.

Maya: what is it

we start walking to the kitchen where she was eating pizza and we sat down. I handed her the letter she read it showing signs of anger.

Maya: what the hell! How could she do this to you?

Me: it’s okay Maya, now we can be together, really be together.

We starting kissing.

Me: let’s go out tonight

Maya: like a date

me: yes a date

I left her to herself, to get ready. I had to get ready myself, today is Christmas Eve after all she should be taken out and cared for.

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