chapter 22

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I walked through the mall alone, happy that I finally get some time to myself. I am having an all me day, I went to the spa and I feel refreshed mind, body, and soul. My skin is beginning to glow thanks to the spa, also my hair and nails look amazing. I look down at my left hand so I can inspect my finger nails my gaze automatically fell onto the eighteen carrot ring that John gave to me two Christmases ago which made it almost a year since we’ve been dating. We have been married for a year and six months now and I’m still deeply in love with the man. I looked down at my swollen belly and smiled thinking about how I’m going to be a mother soon, I have four more months until he comes kicking and screaming into this world. I walk, well I shouldn’t say walk I more like wobbly into Macy’s and my phone starts to ring I take it out of my bag to see who is calling me. I see Sam’s name and I already know that John put him up to it so I put my phone right back where it once was; I’m not picking up his calling it’s my day to myself. The men haven’t let me out of there sight since they found out I had a swollen belly as my mother would say. I laugh a little out loud thinking about the fight that she put up yesterday morning because she wanted to stay with me. She also wants to move closer to me but I am hopping she doesn’t I don’t want to become the next everybody loves Raymond, were his parents live right across the street from him and they come and go as they please. Yeah, no I really don’t want that to happen me to. I start to look at some nice dresses because I need cloths to wear when I’m ready to leave the hospital with my baby. I don’t want to buy pants. Out of nowhere I hear my name being called and Josh was walking towards me.
“ I thought that was you.” He said smiling and showing all off his teeth.
“Hi Josh” I said with a little smile.

“Come on woman come from behind the dresses let me see you.” Without even finishing his sentence he began to walk towards me; when he saw that I’m swollen he held a shocked expression on his face.
“wow.” That is all he said.
“Yeah I know, I’m big, but his coming soon.” I said with a big smile of my own when I thought of my unborn baby. I started to rub my belly which in return made my baby kick which made me smile even brighter. “Here feel this.” I toke his hand and placed it on my stomach.
“Oh my, wow” he said as he felt my baby kick his hands, he looked at my stomach in awe.
“Umm, Hello” A blonde haired woman said with her hand on her hips. I gave her my brightest smile and returned her hello sweetly which made her shoot me a confused look then my phone started ringing. “I’m sorry to cut this short but I have to take this.” As I walked always I heard her say, “what the fuck are you doing with her you know she toke my job!” so she’s the blond that I saw at the interview, so they gave her the job before they gave it to me. I picked up my phone, “what do you want Sam?”
“What the fuck Maya I’ve been calling you.”
“And I’ve been busy”
“don’t fucking play with me Maya where are you?”
“I’m in Macy, okay?”
“Okay, so that’s you, I’m behind you”
“wait what?” out of nowhere I felt hands coming around me and picked me up bridal style when I looked up it was Sam.
“Sam put me down!”
“No!” that’s all he said until I started fighting him.
“Stop fighting Maya I am already angry” he said in a low dangerous tone which made me stop fighting altogether. We started walking until the blonde walked in front of us.
“Samuel?” the blonde questioned and walked right in front of us.
“Hello, know can you get out of my way?” he said trying to compress his anger towards me.
“It that your baby?” she asked in a soft sad tone.
“That is none of your business, get out of my way” he said with some of the anger coming out. Josh came walking up and pulled her away looking mad as hell. Sam continued to walk out when we got to the car he sat me down carefully. He bended down coming face to face with me.
“Don’t ever do that to me again Maya, I was so worried, thinking about all the things that could have happened to you.” He said to me while looking into my eyes I have never seen his eyes show so much emotions, it made me feel so guilty.

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