Chapter 9

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"his not very nice"

"no, no his not Maya"

"well I'm going to go take a bath, if you want one too the guest room is right around the corner there should be some cloths that will fit you in there." I said getting up and walking to my room. when I got out of the shower I felt fresh and clean I love this feeling.I walk into the living room to see Jeremiah in a white t-shirt and boxers, laughing at  something on t.v

"hey what are you watching"I ask while taking the sit beside him.

"I don't know I think it's called Tom and Jerry"

"why are you watching that mindless show."

"it's funny duh" we sit there watching t.v together for hours while we ate snacks. At four thirty Samuel came back from work.he brought some cloths for Jeremiah, it was a nice black and white suit.

"where are you guys going looking so sharp"

"I don't know about Samuel but I'm not going anywhere"

"Good because I have a dinner date tonight and you guys are welcome to stay, but you have to help me cook."

"fine we'll help you cook but you have to show us what to do we never cooked before."Jeremiah said

"that's fine Jeremiah, I'll show you" Jeremiah and I look at Samuel.

"fine we'll stay, you just messed up my plans man I was going to go to the bar for some drinks"

We sat down watched t.v and We got to know each other a little, we told some jokes and laughed i really enjoyed myself I haven't had this much fun in years.I found out that both of them are the only child, their parents are really good friends so they grew up together.Jeremiah's favorite color is orange and Samuel's is green.when it was time to start cooking they were both excited, yes even Samuel. It made Me so happy,we might become good friends, and they're my bosses now! I'm so excited I have a job oh my goodness I have a job

___hey you guys I'll update tonight if I get a chance. please leave me some feed back thank you

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