Chapter 5

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I drove home from the interview, the bosses look like gods. Jeremiah he said his name was is the sweet one Samuel on the other hand not so much,I could tell he didn't like me, why doesn't he like me.the more I think about the interview the more stress out I became,I just want a glass of wine and a movie. I sigh heavily then text Jessica to come over when she gets a chance so I can tell her what happened.I got home locking the door behind me, toke a quick shower put a t-shirt on and some shorts. went to the kitchen popped open a bottle of wine then went into my home office.I don't even know why I have one I don't even have a job. I open my computer.I don't know why but I fell the urge to come so I go on the internet and looked up porn I pick a porn site I started to watch a hot ebony threesome.the dark skin girl was sucking the light skin girls breast then she started to eat the light skin girl out while the man touched then both;it switched the dark skin girl started sucking the man's penis, the light skin girl came out with a big long black fake cock I touched my breast as I sat in my office chair I started to take my clothes breathing became uneven I drop my shorts on the floor then my t-shirt. my legs became wobbly I was as I was when I was born naked, weak, and vulnerable. I sat in my office chair put my feet on the desk spread my legs apart.I closed my eyes tightly, moaning, my fingers played a brilliant song on my sex,I needed an orgasm. I kicked, jerked, shifted in my breathing becoming so ragged from my self-pleasuring. I moved my wet fingers to my lips wanting to become voyeur, wanting to be obsess with my own taste, my fire grew, my wetness grew without warning but my orgasm would not come as if it was playing hide-and-seek . I started to pat my vagina murmuring incoherently, moaning, I shifted moving as if I was suffering from severe jactitation tossing and twitching continuously wanting so badly to come. I looked at the computer the man was thrusting in and out and in and out of the dark skin girl I want so badly to become her at this moment to have someone thrusting in me like they've gone insane like they can't get enough of my sweetness,I want so badly to be her.I was on fire I needed to come but my orgasm was still hiding.the ache was spreading thru my body. I watched the sight in front of me, my body fire was rising, my throbbing became intense. then in walked Jessica.

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