chapter 15

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Samuel   POV

What is wrong with this girl, I can’t stand her voice any longer, Maya needs to get out of that room because I will just walk out of here without saying anything to anybody. I look over to her and she smiles at me, I hold in the urge to take her hand off of my lap. I look over at Jeremiah and I know his thinking what I’m thinking. We both stand to go and out walkedMaya   and John.

Maya   POV

"hey you guys are you ready to partttttyyyy!!!" I started to do a little dance and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I frown " well shit whatever than" I said walking to the kitchen and everyone laughs. Oh now they want to laugh.

"Mayayou       are too cute" Jeremiah says as he laughs.

“Uh huh”-Maya

I look back and I see John staring holes into Jeremiah, what’s his problem? I let the thought slip my mind and toke a sit at the head of the table while Sam toke the other. The night was amazing, everyone loved the food and I couldn't be happier. Everyone was getting along, joking, I didn’t know John was so funny they spoke as if they have known each other sense birth. I look around the table at their happy faces. When everyone was done eating THEY HELPED CLEAN! I was astonished, then we played bored games for a little until Jessica said that Jeremiah was cheating, we stopped playing games and I popped open a 1997 wine and we spoke some more, it was such a lovely night. When it came time to leave Jessica couldn’t walk so John had to carry her home.

“I had a great time tonight Maya we should do this again soon”- Jeremiah

“We should, do you guys think you’ll be able to drive home, do you want to stay here for tonight, I think you guys had a little too much to drink?”- Maya

“Yeah I think your right what do you think Sam?”-Jeremiah

“yeah she’s right”- Samuel

“ one of you guys can take the guest room, the other I can make you a bed on the floor, I’m not going to have you mess up my all white chairs”-Maya

I smiled at them then walked to my room to get some sheets to lay on the floor. When I finished I looked at them and they looked so grateful it made my heart leap. We said our good-nights and I headed to bed.

When I woke up the next morning, I token a bath then made breakfast because I have guests. Normally I just drink a cup of OJ, but I get to make breakfast which made me happy. I made eggs, bacon pancakes and heated up some bread, set it up nicely, then I made two plates for john and Jessica because I know she can’t cook. I wake up jeer bear and Sam so they can take a bath, then walked over to Jessica’s place. I knock on the door and john opens it, I am shell-shocked at what is in front of me, his built like a god, why would Jessica flirt with other men when she is blessed to be married to a living god. I haven’t seem a men’s body in so long, then I realized that I’m staring, I should stop staring. When I look up at his face I see that’s his smirking. He knows that I’m checking him out, damn, I should say something. What should I say?

“Hey Maya what’s up?”- John

“o- oh mm, I came over to give you some breakfast, I know Jessica doesn’t cook much.”

“Really? That’s so thoughtful.”

“Yeah I made a little too much, the guys won’t be able to eat all of it” I smile while handing him the plates, as I did so I saw his face fall.

“They stayed the night?”

“Yeah, I couldn’t let them go home knowing they had too much to drink, I would never forgive myself if something happened to them.”

“okay, I understand”

“how’s jess doing, she feeling okay?”

“ yeah, she’s doing fine, just a little out of it”

“ okay, tell her I say hi, I have to go now”

“alright, bye”

I started walking away then I turned around and he was just watching me with this weird look on his face. I weave at him and kept walking. When I got into the house and seen my sheets nicely folded in a chair. I heard laugher in the kitchen.

“Hey there you are, where did you go?”- Samuel

“just went to give Jessica a plate.”

“If you keep cooking like this we will never go home you know.”- Jeremiah,

we laugh and I toke a sit, then prayed on the food. When we finished eating, cleaned up and they left because they had plans today. I’m at home all day doing nothing, so I thought I would go to the mall and do a little shopping.

I Was in Macy’s looking at the dress when a cute guy walked up to me.


I look up to see perfect teeth, and clear eyes, beautiful brown skin. My goodness he is sexy I thought to myself. I smile in return.


“I’m sorry to bother, I seen you from across the room and I couldn’t let you walk out of this store and never see you again.”

“wow thanks” I chuckle

“I’m josh” he offer me his hand to shake, I shake his hand

“I’m maya”

“lovely to meet you lovely” I couldn’t stop smiling


“may I ask if you have a man” I look up and flash all of my teeth

“no, do you, well you know, have a female?” he laugh whole heartedly

“no I don’t have a female”

We exchange numbers and I told him I had to go, he even offered to walk me to my car which I happy declined because I don’t want him to know what my car looks like, what if don’t like him anymore after a few text messages. OH MY GOODNESS! I have to tell Jessica about this! I got home, put my bags down and ran to Jessica’s door.

John’s POV
the best thing she does with her mouth is this, I look down at my wife. I needed to blow off some steam after Maya come to the door this morning. I wanted to jump her bones when I saw her wearing her big white T and some short shorts, yeah I know what your think, that’s all it takes to get me turned on? With her it is. The way she looked at me when I opened the door, I can’t believe she was checking me out.


“mm you taste so fucking good, you have the biggest dick I have ever seen!”

I look door at her and wonder why she’s talking. After what she did last night. I started to hold her head and thrust in and out of her mouth. Does she think I’m stupid? Does she really think I didn’t notice her flirting with those guys at Maya’s house? She continuously disrespects me.  Why is she such a hoe, I try to be everything she needs but it’s not good enough her sexuality, she desires are too freaky for me to fulfill. I fucking refuse to have sex with another man, or even share the same pussy with one at the same time, because if he even looks at me the wrong way I’ll kill him.

“Cum for me baby! Cum for me” she moans
I was about to cum when I heard a loud knock at the door. I didn’t even think twice about the knock. I let out a loud groan as I came all in her mouth she swallowed all of it then she tried to milk some more out. The person knocked again and I push jess away from my body. I don’t remember when I fell out of love with her, all I know is that I don’t love her anymore. She went to open the door as I pulling my pants up and there stood Maya. She looks good like always.

“I’m sorry did I interrupt something?”

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