chapter 24

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I stood there looking at him, the beautiful man that stood before me is and always was stunning. He now has a nice cut beard and a low cut. We both looked in Maya's direction as we heard her walking away.

"I'll let you guys have a moment to speak to each other alone."

"okay Maya, we'll speak later" I said happily as I started to look around the house that will soon be mine. The house is a pretty white and blue. Above the front door is an amazing painting of the sunset I was in a trance, it is so beautiful.

"What are you doing here?" John asked, taking me out of my trance, with a deep frown on his face. I smile his way with the smile he loves so much.

"I came to see you silly" I take a step closer to him, his frown deepens.

"I don't what to see you, I don't want you near me nonetheless my house, I'm going to have to ask you to leave and not come back." I tried to take a step closer to him and he gave me a sharp look which stop me in my track. It sadden me but I didn't let it show.

"John I love you and I came back so we can be together." I tried to take a step again but again he stop me.

"I don't want to be with you." I am shocked to say the least.

"John I came back to be with you, I brought my bags I have nowhere else to go, I miss you dearly, all that we've been through please don't kick me out like this John please!" I looked at him though my tears that where now falling freely. I felt broken with the words that landed through my heart as a knife would do. Something that I haven't felt in a long time.

"You have money you can find a way to get a room, hell for the reason that you left me you can also use your body." John said coldly his eyes hard and threatening, Maya came back in to the room at the moment.

"John! She is your ex-wife you will not speak to her in that manner."

"yeah that's my point, ex's shouldn't be on my door steps." He said I didn't know it was possible for him to be any colder but he was. He turned to look at Maya and his eyes softened, she was looking at him hard and his expression change of one of disbelief.

"Jessica, go up the stairs the first room to your right is yours, you can stay the night." I looked at John and he looked out raged.

"We'll talk later okay" Maya said to John while reaching for his hands which made him relax at contact.

I walk to the room that Maya said I would be sleeping in and I saw nothing but the bed. I fell asleep crying thinking about what John said to me. 

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