Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I shift under the covers and turn around, my forehead is met with a cold soft surface. Opening my eyes, i realize i wasn't in my own bed but a sofa. Too tired to wake up, i close my eyes again.

That was until i heard faint whispering somewhere behind me, my eyes snap open widely, just now realizing i wasn't at my own house either. I try replaying everything that had happened before i had fell asleep.

Yesterday after the incident, I had walked back to the building and met jimin infront of Mrs.Songs apartment.

He had seen the state i was in and without hesitation, had offerred their apartment for me to freshen up in while he waited for me with Mizuki in the other apartment. I remembered Jimin giving me more clothes that i could wear and telling me i could rest, me being tired didn't protest. Throughout it all Mr.Kim hadn't come back yet and i had decided to wait until he did and thats pretty much all i remember.

So that means that I fell asleep in the middle? Jimin said he would come in a few after putting Mizuki to bed.

I guess it had taken longer than usual and i had fallen asleep due to all the exhaustion.

So basically... I blink and stare at the black leather of the sofa infront of me... im in their apartment?!
I slept in their house, oh god how embarrassing. I didn't know what time it was but i was pretty sure it was late. Because right infront of the sofa was a huge window and from what i could see from my position on the sofa, it was still dark.

I hear the faint whispers again, deciding to try and eavesdrop so i could try to guess what they were saying. It was no doubt Jimin and Mr.Kim and from what I had seen from the video calls Jimin and I had, their kitchen was behind me.

After a few seconds of trying to figure out what they were saying, i give up and decide i would just tell them i was awake. And although i want to stay here for the night and not go to my empty, lonely house, i should know my limits. Its not kind of me to just suddenly barge in and have a sleepover because of an incident which was already taken care of.

I was probably making them uncomfortable.

Finally getting mentally ready, i sit up and plant my feet on the ground, slowly tilting my face towards the kitchen.

I let out a sigh of relief when i realize that they couldn't see me. Although it was an open kitchen, both were facing the opposite direction so i was behind them, both seated on the kitchen island.

The kitchen wasn't too close, which was the reason i couldn't hear what they were whispering about.

Slowly standing up and making sure not to make too much sound, i walk towards them. The thought of suddenly scaring them came to mind but this probably wasn't the time or place. Although i had the urge to, the atmosphere looked somewhat peaceful, unlike all the other times when Jimin usually called and made messes resulting in Mr.Kim shouting at him. They were talking quietly, most probably so that they wouldn't wake me, the person thet thought was sleeping peacefully on the couch, up.

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