♥~Authors Note~♥

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This girl asked me she wanted to put sticky notes in her friends locker, like my story. So I helped her, and eventually she said she's going to get over cutting! I'm so proud of you!<3

@I_Am_Unbroken: Hey! I read your message on my Post-It Note Girl chapter!(: And yeah I get what your going through and the scars prove it. About a monch ago, I've been getting notes in my locker that told me to Stay Strong because I'm Beautiful, or that I'm not alone. It only lasted for about 2 weeks and it stopped. I never knew who it was but that person was like a guardian angle to me. And yeah, I wanted to put notes in my friends locker to encourage them, but sadly I'm not like Alexis Shields and I'm not friends with the janitor(; But what you should do is decorate a paper or use a sticky note and write a quote on it. Like quotes about beauty, "Stay Strong," or some Demi Lovato quotes(; But make sure she doesn't see you when you put it in. Or if you don't want to get caught you can ask one of your closest friends to do it. I don't know, honestly I'm not like Alexis Shields in the story. But one day, I wish I was. ~Stay Strong. Your Unbroken. Listen hun your beautiful and God NEVER once made a mistake when He made you. I mean sure we have those days, but we have to remember to Stay Strong. I can tell your strong. Why? Because your alive right now. And you didn't break, and try to commit suicide. I know its a hard rode out there, darlin. But we need to show them that were so much stronger and we have a reason to live in this earth. Love you<3(: Xxxxxxxxx

Thank you so much. I finally came out and told two friends about my scars. One hasn't talked to me since.... But the other congratulated me for telling her and told me I was beautiful and that she was gonna help me quit no matter what, and that any time I get the urge to cut, to call her. I've now gone two days without making a single cut. Thanks for your story and your message.

Awwww your welcome, hun!<3(; I'm so glad your 2 days clean! I know its an addiction and its really hard to stop, but do me a favor and don't cut 'till December 1. I'm gonna try to do the same. And we'll get through it together, because God is with us, and we have to Stay Strong. Life is gonna be hard but God never said it was gonna be easy. And I'm so glad you told them! And the friend who ignored you, just give her some time ot think about it. Sometimes "Cutting" or "Suicide" is like a new word to people who don't understand it. So just give her time to adjust. Don't think your crazy, because we all have flaws. Stay Strong, darlin' your beautiful<3(; Xxxx

Stay Strong, Your Unbroken. Its gonna be hard to stop, but I know you can do it(; And BR♥Tz, message me anytime you want. I'm all ears, hun(; *takes deep breath Wow! I didn't know so many people wil; actually talk to me, or ask for help. Wish my school life was like this. Stay Strong, darlin. Your beatiful. Your Unbroken. Your a Skyscraper. Your Titanium.

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