Authors Note~~Road to Recovery

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Hey guys this is Christina. Yes, thats my real name. Diana Woods is just a fake name. Anyways my parents found out I cut and I am now trying to focus on the road to recovery. I have cut myself for 7 months and everyday is a battle for me. And I really am trying to recovery. I'm tired of waking up and feeling ugly. I'm tired of cutting and starving myself. I'm tired of this crap going inside my head.

I want to recover. I want to be that girl I was before i made that first cut. Im stronger than this and I know I can recover, I can finish this battle. I can tell myself that I wont he battle against self harm.  I'm 1 day clean but I know I'm stronger than this, and Im worth it. Focusing on the road to recovery(: xx 

So this means this story will be slow on update. I promise I'll post a chapter soon but now I need to focus on recovering. Please don't be rude and say you'll unfollow me. I'll try to post a chapter soon I REALLY promise. 

Its just that I thought recovery wasnt an option for me, but now i do, and I want to recovery. So sorry for the slow updates. I love you guys<3 Stay Strong

So for now...stay strong. And Im gonna be fine, wish me luck on my recovery<3 And to all the self harmers/ed girls: Recovery IS possible<3 ily bye guys<3 xx


Christina xx

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