Chapter 1.1

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"What do you mean pregnant?"

"So pregnant. I'm so pregnant Luke." She said crying somehow managing to keep a smile on her face.

I sighed heavily rubbing my eyes.
I looked down at the purity ring on my finger and clenched my fist. "Who's is it Sam." I said draining my voice of any emotion.

"I don't know." She cried into my chest. "I'm so sorry Luke." She said weeping even harder.

"It's fine Sammie." I said rubbing her head. "J-just stop crying," I stood up grabbing her hand. "Just sit with me and my friends today please. Just stay with me for today." I said letting a single tear escape my eye. I looked away from her.

"Okay." She mumbled under her breath. She sounded just as emotionally drained as I was.
We made our way through the over crowded cafeteria and took a seat waiting for Calum, Michael, and Aston to arrive.

"Luke I'm so scared." She said clutching onto my fore arm.

I didn't know what to do or say. I've never been pregnant before.

I think?

No I'm pretty sure I didn't even get remotely close to another man like she did. My heart was shattering and I was trying my hardest to keep everything together. I was angry. I was sad. I felt empty because I knew Sammie wasn't going to stick around any longer. Soon enough she'd have her baby and be gone out of my life forever, or at least not as much as she used to be. She had always been there for me since we were kids.

I sat there with my arms by my side as she cried and cried and cried.

"Luke I need you to say something." She said avoiding eye contact with me.

"I don't know what to say." I let out a bitter emotionless breath.

"I'm so sor-"

"Hey guys!" Calum said cheerfully cutting Sammie off mid sentence. Michael and Ashton following suit shortly after him.

"Hey guys, you remember Sammie right?" I asked as the curly blonde and Kiwi boys took their seats right next to each other.

"Oh yeah!" Ashton shouted in excitement.

"Oh hi Sam." Calum spoke out without emotion or acknowledgement that she had been gone for half a year. "I didn't even see you." He rolled his eyes while cocking his head in the opposite direction.

"Oh Calum, I think I missed you the most." She smirked over at him now rolling his eyes fiercely. "Who's that next to you Lukey?" She smiled leaning back to get a better look at the boy with fire engine red hair.

"Oh, this is Michael."

"Hi nice to meet you." He said smiling over at her.

"Michael this is my..." I hesitated to finish my sentence.

"Girlfriend." Sammie smiled.

"Oh," he looked over at Ashton and Calum as if they knew something I didn't.

Sammie seemed to be really engaging in conversation given the fact that she had gotten the news that she's pregnant.

She slept with someone who she didn't even know. How the fuck can she be handling that so well? While I'm just sitting here as they chat struggling to stay sane and not throw myself out of a window.

"Luke, we're all going to Michael's later," Ashton said snapping his fingers in front of my face so I would get his attention. "You and Sammie are coming right?" He smiled.

"Uh," I hesitated looking over at Michael. He was sitting there picking at his food with that stupid smile on his face he always seems to have. How can someone be that happy? It almost seemed rude to me that's how happy he seemed to always fucking be. "Yeah, Sammie I'll pick you up if you want to come." I said turning towards her.

"Sure Lukey." She said clinging to my arm and snuggling her face up into my fore arm.

As the boys kept up conversation my thoughts kept on back tracking to Michael. There was something about him that I just didn't like. There was nothing to hate, but there was definitely something I didn't like and I couldn't figure out what it was, which made me not like him even more.

Ha you thought Luke knocked some chick up lol

But I've re-read over this chapter million times so if it has any errors I'm a failure and we can discuss my lack of ability to fix things later. ~Camie

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