Chapter 0.9 Part 2

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(^Ashton cock blocking us in that gif)


I sat there unaware of my surroundings. Cross faded was a feeling I had never felt before in my life and I couldn't decider if I absolutely hated it or loved it.

I sat there eating chips and watching the guys talk. It was funny, I could hear their voices but I couldn't understand what they were saying. It was like I couldn't speak or understand any English.

"Luke," I heard one of the lads say. I looked over at them unsure of which one had called my name. "We have to fucking go!" I heard Calum shout his voice hitting me in waves.

"My parents are looking for us. I butt dialed them and they heard us. I think they're pissed." Michael said throwing his phone at the wall. "Piece of shit device!" He shouted and then laughed shortly after. "I just threw my phone at the wall." He giggled walking over to pick it up. "That was stupid."

"Wait wait calm down, are you sure you butt dialed them?" I asked calmly.

"Yes, damn it! I already forgot about that until you reminded me Luke thanks." The red haired boy shouted.

"Well obviously you can't go home in this state." I said forcing myself to focus on every single word that I said.

"Well what the fuck do I do?" The boy panicked.

"We just need to go for a walk, we need to come down a little." I said standing up and holding my hand out for him to grab.

"Ash and Cal do you want to come-" I looked over at the boys who were furiously making out on my bed. I didn't acknowledge them or fully understand what they were actually doing so I just brushed it aside. "Okay Michael lets go." I said rolling my eyes at the two lads.

We walked out of my house ever so slowly. I'm sure we looked like mental patients but I felt fine. Michael on the other hand looked like he could barely stand.

"Here, come on," I said tightening my grip on his hand. "I know a place we can sit and chill out." I said walking ahead of him.

"Wait up!" He whispered tip toeing like an idiot up next to me.

"You need to find your chill Mike, here is where we'll find it my friend." I laughed hopping down into a ditch.

The cement was cold but felt nice due to the warm air. I lied down and waited for Michael to take the spot next to me.

We looked up at the stars that seemed to be shining brighter than I had ever seen them shine before. To me, they seemed to be dancing all over the dark sky. It was truly a sight to see- or hallucinate.

"We just need to sleep." I said feeling Michael's eyes burn into the side of my face.

"You expect me to sleep in a ditch? Do you know how bad that sounds?" Michael said his voice getting louder.

"You need to be more quiet and calm down." I Scolded him. "You'll be fine. Me and my brothers did it before and it was pretty fun actually." I told the red head boy.

"Be fine?" He said sitting up. "I'm screwed."

"Lie back down people will see you-"

"I have to go." Michael said cutting me off and sitting back down.

"Why would you sit back down if you have to go-" I laughed.

"Someone's coming shit." Michael whispered. "Shit shit shit."

"Michael shut up or I'm gonna make you shut up!" I snapped at him. Sitting up to face him.

I grabbed the boys face so he was looking at me. He calmed down, his face relaxing into my hands. We were no more than an inch or two apart.

"Luke you're hot when you're being serious." The red hair'd boy whispered.

At that point everything started to get blurry and dizzy. My high was coming back and I couldn't hear what Michael was saying anymore. Every thing was fading into each other.

Michael was disappearing in and out of vision- every few seconds everything would turn black. That or I was just blinking for long periods of time.

"Luke!" I heared a voice call over to me. I looked over at Michael but it didn't sound like his voice.

"You two have been out here for two hours. You need to- I don't even want to touch you two. Button your pants back up and put your shoes on!" Ashton said grabbing me by the arm and walking me back to the house. Calum had Michael following us a few feet behind. I could here them giggle and high five each other.

I looked over at Ashton. He was smiling and fighting the urge to burst out

"What's so funny." I asked the tall boy.

"Michael's mom didn't call him. He had my phone dumb ass!" He shouted turning around and laughing at Michael.

"So are you okay? Is your mom pissed?" I asked.

"My mom called me on Calum's phone because she knew that I was with him. I answered and she yelled at me for not inviting her over ." Ashton started to laugh even harder than he already was.

"See I told you!" Calum shouted from behind. "I told you I wouldn't give up until you two started to love each other!"

I had know Idea what he was talking about and I really didn't care or remember what had happened. I was just relieved that everything was going to be okay.

I felt a wave of relief crash over me as we walked into my house and into my room. I plopped down on my bed, I imagined I was lying on top of a cloud and let the breeze of my ceiling fan send me off into a state of peaceful sleep.
(A/n) Part 2 of 2

Double update yay!!! I put this in two parts bc I wanted both michael's and Luke's pov. Idk maybe it was kinda dumb to put it in two parts but who cares it's a DOublEH oopDaTE XD ~Camie

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