2.5 Come with me-

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Dear Zayne Malik,

Being normal stinks and you are destined to be a god there is no going back. Plz dunt leeeeevvveee


We pulled up to Michael's house around 7:30 and I was nervous. I couldn't go in the front door because his parents were probably home so I'd have to sneak in through the back.
I sat in the passenger seat silently trying to gather myself.

"Well," Sammie said tapping on the steering wheel waiting for me to move. "Get out, go get Michael. I'll be waiting out here for you guys so try and hurry."

I looked at her confused. "Wait we're going somewhere?"

She sighed at me. "If things go well, you two can stay at my place until you two find an actual place to live."

My stomach sunk as I heard the words 'If things go well' play on repeat in my head. What if things didn't go well and Michael wanted nothing to do with me?I shook the feeling as best I could and asked her the next question I had for her. "But Michael lives here- what if he doesn't want to leav-"

"He wants nothing more than to just leave everything here behind, trust me." She nudged my shoulder giving me a small but assuring smile as I worked up the courage to unbuckle my seatbelt and open the car door. "God knows he's miserable with out you." She muttered out quietly thinking I couldn't hear her. With one last anxious sigh I thanked Sammie and told her I'd be back shortly. I snuck around to the back of Michael's house which, just for the record, wasn't easy at all because I had to jump a wooden fence and I tripped over three plotted plants placed a few feet away from his back door. I finally made my way to his bedroom window and yes, there had been a ladder hidden there before because this wasn't really the first time I snuck into his room. This was just the first time I snuck in with out Calum or Ashton.

I got the ladder and lined it up with his window and began to carefully but quickly climb the ladder. His blinds were shut so I couldn't see much. I decided to use 'the knock' the four of us had come up with in case of moments like this. It was simple, one knock and then another one about a minute or two later.

I knocked on the window.

No answer.

I waited a minute and then knocked again. The curtains swung open revealing the tall boys toned and defined chest through his white, almost see through t-shirt. His head was turned away from the window as he opened it, not even bothering to check the person who was now cooing over his body while crawling through the window. I stood behind him, collecting myself and wiping dirt off of my skinny jeans while he had his back turned sorting through some papers on his computer desk.

"You could've texted me that you were coming over, oh and I don't know, maybe use the front door?" He said still not taking his eyes away from the paper. I furrowed my eyebrows at the back of his stupid head. He didn't even look at me.

"Seriously Ash, using the front door is a thing now."

I smirked. "Yeah but front doors are too mainstream for me I much prefer that back door if you catch my drift." I winked at the boy as he dropped all of his papers and frantically turned around to face me. His bright blue/green eyes glossed over with tears as a shaky smile appeared on his face.

And I swear I've never felt feelings swarm up inside of me so wildly at the very sight of someone at that moment I saw him. I felt myself being filled with life just by looking at him. His eyes started to water and he let out a choked sound. Running towards me with his arms out he got closer to me, but was reluctant to grab me. "Oh my god." He whispered covering his mouth with both his hands. "Luke," he whispered placing a hand on my left cheek. "How-how are you here? How is this even happening?" He asked taking in everything that was going on.

"I left. I figured, I'm turning eighteen soon anyway so I left and I came to see you." I said grabbing both his hands. "I missed you so much Mikey." I pulled him into a hug and we practically melted like butter in each other's arms. I had forgotten he smelt like coconuts and I missed the smell with out even realizing.

"I missed you too." He murmured, snuggling his nose into my neck. I gently pulled away from him and looked him in his tear glazed eyes.

"Come with me-"


"Just for a few days or how ever long you want." I looked at him with a hope filled smiled as my eyes raced back and forth scanning his eyes for an answer.

Michael looked at me in shock. "W-what do you mean Luke?" He looked so confused. "Where will we even go? I can't just run away with you?" He frantically asked question after question, all of which I expected him to ask.

"No, I know," I said looking down to the ground. "That's too clique I just thought-"

"You didn't think at all did you Luke?" He scoffed at me and crossed his arms. My face flushed red as I felt embarrassment consume my entire being. "Do you have any idea how much trouble I'd get in? How much trouble you'd get in?" He raised his voice at me and my face sunk. Tears started to sting my eyes as I looked down at the floor.

"I'm already in trouble Mikey," I whimpered.

He sighed heavily before pulling me into a hug. "You're too pretty to cry. C'mere Lukey." My ear was to his chest as we sat down on his bed. Tears stained his white shirt as he tangled his fingers in my hair. "Please stop crying baby I missed you so much." He soothed me with his voice, making me feel like putty in his hands as he ran his fingers through my hair. He had me wrapped around his fingers and I wanted nothing more than to just fall asleep in his arms because I was beyond tired but Sammie was outside waiting for me still.

I pulled away from him, not wanting to loose his warmth and wiped my tears with my sleeve. "I want to go with you," he said catching me off guard and my face immediately lit up.

"You do-"

"But not like this," he said grabbing me by the wrists and sternly sitting me up.

And he placed a hand on my cheek.

"You have to go back."

And he looked me right in the eyes.

"You have to leave here."

And though I could see tears forming in his eyes and hear his voice start to tremble he said to me,

"And I can't go with you."

"Luke, Luke!" He shouted trying to grab my arm as I climbed through the window but I pulled away. "Please Luke don't hate me," His voice started to shake. "Please not again." He whispered loud enough for me to hear and my heart to sink at the sound of the choked up boy crying as I climbed down the tall latter.

My feet hit the ground and I hesitated to look up at him. I couldn't. I clenched onto the latter for a moment feeling the heat in my cheeks hit the cold evening air and tears, hot enough to steam fall down my cheeks. I pushed the latter to the side and left him there crying with his head stuck out the window, probably hoping that I'd tell him that I didn't hate him- I could never hate him- but I shattered his hopes. And climbed the fence and left in Sammie's car leaving him to think that I do hate him. But I could never hate him, not again at least, but he doesn't know that.
I got into Sammie's car with my sadness heated and now fueling my anger.

"What happ-"

"Take me to the bus station." I stared seeing the anger in my reflection of the passenger seat window as she started up the engine.


I totally had a different idea for this chapter and it completely changed and omfg i promise ima write a happy chapter plz don't hate me >.< -Camie

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