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"Is Luke okay Michael? Have you heard from him?" Calum asked me with bug eyes as we took our seat at our usual spot in the cafeteria.

"No, I don't know." I said slouching down feeling horrible for everything I put Luke through.

It's been almost a month and I still missed him. I needed him. I can't stand my house anymore because I have so many memories with him there and I couldn't clear my head of him. I tried going to my treehouse just to think about something other than him but I couldn't. Everything reminded me of and him. Especially school.

We all missed him. Ashton barely talked anymore and Calum just seemed so lost. Like the only thing he could muster up to have a conversation about was Luke and God it hurt every time he asked me those questions.

Calum is the reason Luke and I ever started to talking to each other and now I think he just feels bad that things didn't work out. I feel bad. I took away Calum's best friend.

I thought about Luke so much that I even started to wish that I had never met him or Calum or Ashton.

But I don't want that wish to come true ever. I'm so happy I met these people.

But I'm not happy that Sammie caused all of this. Had she not come to my house that night Luke wouldn't have gone home and gotten hurt. I should've gone after him. Why didn't I go after him? I had the chance, why didn't I take it?

I got lost in my thoughts not realizing I was crushing my milk chug out of pure anger.

"Hey Michael, got milk?" Ashton asked snapping in my face to get my attention.

That was the first time he's talked in about two weeks and I looked up at him in shock. "Well, you don't. Cuz it's all over the table." He patted down napkins watching them get soaked.

"Are you okay mate?" Calum asked and I couldn't take my eyes off of Ashton. He looked so much like Luke and to hear him talk- I wanted to hear Luke's voice instead of his. I nodded my head and stood up.

"Yeah I just- I don't know what's wrong with me." I sighed plopping back in my spot and putting my head down on the table.

"I miss him to Mike." Ashton muttered quietly while rubbing the back of my head.

"We all do." Calum added and the Bell rang for our next class.

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