Chapter 0.7

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"Yeah you can come over, are you staying the night?" I asked the kiwi over the phone.

"Is that even a question?!" The boy exclaimed eagerly.

"Haha I guess not. Alright see you soon." I said about to hang up the phone.

"Luke wait!" He shouted loud enough for me to hear from my hand. "Promise me you won't get mad." He said.

"What why would I get mad?"

"JUST PROMISE ME!" He screamed making my ear ring causing me to pull the phone away from my head with an aggressive motion.

"Okay! Fine I promise! See you in a few Jesus Christ." I said hanging up the phone.
A few minutes later Calum pulled up to my house and walked right into my house with out texting or knocking on the door as he usually doesn't. He practically lived here. Especially during school he would sneak out and just come here even when I wasn't home. My mother loved him more than me. God knows that's true.

"Lucas I'm home!" He called from down stairs. I walked to the top of my stairs to greet him when I saw Michael standing right next to him.


"Ah, you can't get mad at me Luke!" Calum yelled from the bottom of the stairs as I watched Michael standing there rolling his eyes. Clearly he didn't want to be here. "You two are so much alike it pisses me off that you hate each other. It's almost like hating yourself." Calum said running up stairs Michael following him shortly after.

"I don't hate him," I said trying not to hurt the boys feelings.

"Luke, it's fine. I'm sure we can at least try to get along for Calum." Michael said meeting me at the top of the steps.

"Yeah," I said holding out my hand to shake his. Another weak shake like the first time we had met. I gave Michael a small smile and walked over with him to my bedroom.

"Oh my god are these signed Green Day tickets?" The tall boy with red hair asked as he examined my wall of various posters and concert tickets.

"You like Green Day?" I asked.

"I love Green Day!" He exclaimed.

"It's happening!!" Calum sang out.

"What is happening Calum?" Michael asked sarcastically.

"F is for friend who do stuff together-"

"No!" I said cutting Calum off watching his face turn into pure fear and hurt feelings. Michaels face was the same. "F is for friends who abandoned me after 8th grade." I cheerfully sang as I watched their tight facial expressions loosen up.

"Hey! I stayed!" Calum shouted.

"Yeah but you're you." I laughed at Calum.

"I didn't have many friends in year 8 I mostly just listened to music and played video games." Michael said putting his head down in shame.

"SAME!" I shouted in excitement. I gave him a high five. "FIFA is the only friend I need." I said watching Michael's smile stretch across his face.

"We're rude. We're third wheeling Cal Pal over there aren't we?" Michael asked plopping down on my bed next to Calum.

"Don't touch me. I hate both of you." Calum sassed at us.

"Oh c'mon Cally," I said sitting on the other side of him. "We love you."

"No you don't. If you loved me we'd name the band 'Michael and Luke Love Calum'

"Shut up Calum." I said laughing. "When's Ashton getting here?"

"He's going on a beer run. We're gonna get wasted." The kiwi laughed watching me roll my eyes.

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