Chapter 0.8 Part 1

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Michael's pov:

What's wrong Luke?" I asked cracking a beer open and passing the joint to Calum.

"I've only smoked twice before this like two years ago." His voice cracked as he spoke.

"Well you don't have to if you don't want too." Calum interrupted blowing smoke out of his nostrils.

"No I want to, I just- don't make fun of me if I choke." Luke said grabbing the joint from the kiwi.

Luke took a hit from the joint. He breathed the smoke it with a lot of force causing him to cough and choke. He covered his mouth and bent over in pain.

"Luke just breath." I said sitting the light weight up and putting an arm around his back. "In through you're nose, and out your mouth." I continued to coach the blonde haired boy through his coughing spell.

"That's what she said!" Calum laughed out.

Ashton snapped his neck over at the kiwi.

"That is not what she said! That's dirty!" He shouted hitting him on the back of his head.

"Sorry daddy." Calum said putting his head down in shame.

"That's right you're sorry." The curly blonde smiled.

At that point Luke and I were too far gone to even acknowledge the fact that Calum called Ashton Daddy. Frankly, I didn't want any part of knowing what that was about and I'm okay with that. I was too focused on Luke and his big blue eyes. He looked so perfect sitting there as he steadied his breathing.

"You're pretty alright Michael." He smiled at me causing my face to flush red.
(A/n) Part 1 of 2

I would like to thank everyone who's keeping up with the chapters. You guys are cool. ~Camie

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