(2.8) If You Don't Know

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~Let Me Go~

"I have to go-"

"You're selfish!" I cut him off pushing him away from me. And I saw the hurt expression on his face. "I'm sor-"

"What's going on in here!" My father shouted cutting me off as he opened the door. My mother stood with her arms crossed behind him.

"Shit." Luke whispered under his breath.


"What is he doing here?" My father practically shouted loud enough for the entire neighborhood to here. I stood there silent unable to answer. I looked over at Luke who was standing next to the window, he looked calm but the beads of sweat forming I his forehead told me he was scared. My mother walked over to him grabbing him in a hug.

"Everyone was so worried about you." She said rubbing the back of his head. "We were all so scared for you." She started to cry. Luke said nothing as he parted from my mothers tight grip. Everyone went silent and no one was sure what to say. After a few minutes of stillness and quiet, my father did the job of breaking the awkward silence by asking the question that would rid my room of the giant elephant that stood dead center.

"Why did you run away boy?"

"Because I was scared." He answered back immediately.

"Running away doesn't get you anywhere no matter how far you go Luke. Men don't face their fears by running in the opposite direction." My father shook his head. Luke sighed in disappointment.

"Come get in the car we'll take you back." My mother said guiding him out of the room. My father and I shortly followed after.

"Let me take him you stay here with Michael." My father said grabbing his keys from the dish that sat on the table closest to the front door. I grabbed Luke's hand to keep him from following after my father. I heard the car start and grabbed him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry this happened." I whispered into his ear as tears trickled down my face and onto his shirt. He lazily wrapped his arms around me trying his hardest to put emotion into it but I knew he felt nothing other than sad. I didn't blame him for that though.

"I am too Mikey." He mumbled into my shoulder. Before I could say anything else he pulled away from me, humming a bit as he pressed his lips to mine. Our lips brushed together gently, but briefly and he pulled away from me. "I love you Mikey." He said in a hushed tone.

"I love you too Lukey." I said back to him as he started to head towards the car. "I love you so much." I whispered to myself as he opened the car door and drove out of sight.

"Mom," I called to her with tears filling my eyes. She ran to my side and held my head against her chest, comforting me like she always had when I was upset before.

"Yes baby." She said brushing her fingers through my hair.

"Where is he gonna go?" I asked my voice raising a few notes higher than normal.

"I don't know baby." She sighed hugging me tighter.

"Will I ever see him again?" My voice cracked as my whimpering intensified.

The phone rang before she could answer and she lightly pushed me away heading towards the landline. "Hello?" Mumbles were heard on the other side of the phone and my mothers facial expression took a serious form. "What? Th-thank you. She stuttered frantically hanging up the phone and turning on the television.

A live broadcast was in action.

"Live from the sky Lesley Solviche is reporting a crash that took place around 9:30pm in Down town Sydney."

I gasped as I saw a picture of my father and Luke appear on screen. "Oh my god." My mother whispered with her hand covering her mouth. Two other pictures appeared on screen, one face stuck out to me in particular. A face I never thought I'd ever see again. "That- that's Luke's mom." She said in what seemed to me was disbelief.

"Thanks Ben, The accident happened here at the intersection of brook shallow and St. James."

"Dear god." I cried as I listened to the reporter.

"One fatality has been reported at this moment, and two others remain in critical condition. However, the driver of a red SUV remains in good condition."

My mother was in tears, my father was alright. As for Luke, I was in shock. This would have never happened if I just let him leave. I should've gone with him when he asked. God I'm so stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I hit my head over and over trying to rid my mind of the thought that Luke could be dead right now. If not that he's dying and it's all my fault! "Stupid! Stupid! Fuck!" I shouted through gritted teeth as my mother restrained my hands.

"Mikey, we have to go please stay calm, you were doing so well please breath with me." Her voice brought stillness in my mind and I felt my heart beat slow down a bit. "I'll take you to see Luke and your father." She said walking me out to the car.


"Room 201, down this hallway and too the right."

Heart monitors beeped in every passing room and I flinched each time I heard the sound of flat lining coming from different rooms. The constant beeping got louder and louder as we approached room 201, Luke room.


I took a step closer to his room.

Beep Beep.

Another step closer.

Beep Beep Beep.

I reached for the door knob.


The doctors pushed me aside and ran into the room. "What's going on?" I asked catching a glimpse of broken Luke with all sorts of wires attached to him.


The machine sounded before anyone could answer. "No- No!" I shouted trying to run into the room.


"Sir, you better wait in the waiting area." A nurse said pulling me back out of the way. The door slammed shut in my face as I heard one doctor shout "clear!" And a zap noise that broke my heart to follow.


"No." I barely made out through all the crying. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. There was so much going on and things I needed to take in.


"Please, n-not my Lukey." I sobbed as my mother wrapped her arms around me every so slowly. "Please please please Luke." I squeezed my eyes shut as I cried into my mothers arms.





I was determined to write this story and finish it and have it be a hella lot better than my last story. Hopefully it was and everyone who's read it will like it just as much as I do.

There will be an epilogue
(sometime in the near future)

There may be a sequel.

Thank you for so many reads and votes fuck I luv you my lovelies. -Camie

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