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Within a minute of ending the fight, Elaine rushes to Arlo's side. She kneels beside his head and takes note of his condition. Her glowing hands indicate that she is also using her ability to detect any unseen wounds.

She glares up at me and says, "You've made your point, now release him."

Remi, Isen, and Blyke run up to us but position themselves midway between Arlo and me in a show of neutrality. Remi, at least, seems conflicted as to which person she should lend a hand. Arlo bears a couple of scrapes across his cheek and forehead, while I have a swollen eye and a bleeding lip. All our other injuries are covered, but I believe we both sustained some bruised ribs and potentially internal bleeding.

I consider making a joke about how I only know how to put them in the ground, not take them out, but I think it is probably best to antagonize as few people as possible right now. I want to go back to the dorm for a hot shower and heal up my wounds. I'd rather not drag this out for longer.

"Sure, as soon as we agree to a truce, I will release him. What do you say, Arlo?"

He strains his neck to look up at me, his eyes boring into mine. I can tell he is contemplating what other ways he can get out of the ground without my help. He does not want a truce, especially after his humiliation during gym and now here in front of the other Royals. However, he has been left with few choices. Elaine, Remi, Blyke, and Isen have no abilities that could get him out. He would need to ask one of them to contact someone with the appropriate ability leading more people to find out about his defeat.

Arlo takes some time to realize that there is no choice, he is stuck between a rock and a hard place, mostly because I left him buried in the ground.

"Yes! Fine! You can have your truce, Eloise. Just get me out!!!" he yells.

"My pleasure," I say as I reach down, touching the fresh ground and sending Arlo and a mound of soil rising. When Arlo is out, he shakes off the loose dirt, leaving a sullied and torn school uniform. I pity the laundromat that must clean that uniform.

With a flower, he approaches me and extends his dirty hand. As I take it, he tightens his hold almost to the point of crushing my hand. Finally, he releases it.

"Now that we have a truce, I hope we can move past the hostilities and be friendly, if not friends."

"Whatever," he says as he walks away, once again assuming his confident, calm attitude with more than a dash of arrogance.

Elaine follows him, trying to hang onto his arm to get him to sit down and be healed. She nods in my direction, a small thank you for getting him out, and then she and Arlo are outside the lights of the field, in the darkness.

Remi now walks up to me and asks, "Are you hurt? I am sorry Elaine did not think to look after your injuries as well. Its too late to go to the infirmary but if you need help, I can walk with you there tomorrow."

I smile and pat her on the shoulder, hiding a wince as I move my arm. That side is definitely bruised.

"I'm ok, Remi. I just need a hot shower and I will be as good as new tomorrow. It's getting kind of late though; we should be heading back to the dorms."

Isen looks at his watch and sees that it is almost ten.

"Oh no. I have so much homework to do for tomorrow. Plus, I must edit Terrence and Abigail's editorials for the newspaper. Blyke, let's go."

Isen and Blyke head off towards the boys' dorm and Remi walks beside me towards the girls' dorm. She had offered to take my school bag as well as her own and I let her. When we reach my door, I turn towards her to thank her.

"Thank you for helping carry my bag."

"You're welcome, Eloise. Will you be alright getting to the showers?"

"Yes, if I need any help Evie, my roommate, can lend a hand."

As I say this, Evie opens the door to our room. She sees my disheveled appearance and worriedly looks between me and Remi.

"What happened Eloise? Who did this to you?"

Remi answers for me and explains, "Arlo challenged Eloise after she won in capture the flag and made him look bad. Eloise won but I think she may need to be looked at by Doctor Darren tomorrow. Will you take care of her until then?"

Evie nods and takes my hand leading me into the room.

"I'll get out the first aid kit and help you change out of those clothes."

unOrdinary: An Old Friend ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now