Rain, Rain, Go Away

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Laying down my phone on the table, I saw that the lock screen watch showed that it was two o'clock. Time for lunch. I was starving, having forgotten to eat the breakfast burrito that I had placed in my backpack before I entered the library. Too late now, it was probably soggy. Maybe I'd find a homeless dog to give it to on my way to grab lunch.

Taking pictures of all the newspapers that I had flagged as being important to my search of John and the Royals, I made a mental note to return to study the city's newspapers for signs of EMBER. After seeing the X-Static was linked to Wellston, I was certain that EMBER had either made contact with the school or would do so soon. Unfortunately, Wellston was a neon sign for EMBER. If the group wanted to make a point, targeting the high tiers at Wellston would send ripples throughout the city and the country.

My eidetic memory helped me replace all the newspapers to their proper places, I left the library certain that no trace of my presence was left behind. I had checked for cameras when I had entered, and I made sure to evade their line of sight going in and out. The sound of a janitor mopping the hallways kept me on my toes, but I made it out without drawing his notice.

Outside the ominous clouds had begun unleashing a torrent of rain and boisterous winds, while streaks of lightning danced across the dark sky. It would be foolish to walk in such weather with my meager umbrella. Ducking beneath the eaves of the library I couched and touched the wet earth. Activating my ability, I grew a pine tree, shaping its trunk around my flimsy umbrella and using its foliage to extend the protection of the umbrella canopy. Perfect!

I headed off back to the dorms, resolving to order some lunch and check in with John. Reaching the entrance, I got an idea. I walked around until I found a window completely covered in plants and flowers (my gorgeous bedroom). Releasing my powers, I planted the young sapling beneath the window. If I needed a quick way down, I could grow the tree's branches and slip away unnoticed.

Running back to the dorm entrance, I shook off the remaining water on my dark purple umbrella and went back to my room. Evie was on the couch watching a show on the television. Looking up she saw me standing in the entrance, my now sodden clothes clinging to my body, and hurried over.

"Eloise! Did you get caught in that downpour? Let's get you out of those wet clothes and into a warm shower."

I dropped off my umbrella and took off my rain boots and jacket at the entrance, so I was not tracking in puddles. She took my hand and we stepped into my room. It was the first time she had been in my room, so I was not surprised when she gave a small gasp.

My changes were pretty drastic. Most students probably hang up a poster or two or add family pictures to decorate. I, on the other hand, had transformed the room into a miniature greenhouse. I had placed the flowerpots with full-grown flowers on the windowsill, on my desk, and on top of my dresser. The flowers on the window were wall-crawlers that grew from the window towards my desk, wrapping around and coming back to cover my bed.

I zipped over to the closet, nudging aside some petunias, grabbing a large orange fluffy towel, my bathrobe, and a set of dry clothes.

"I think I've got everything."

Evie was still looking at all the plants in my room, her jaw hanging open.

"Evie? Evie?"

I waved my hand in front of her face.

"Wow, Eloise. This is spectacular. How did you set this all up in such a short time?"

"I enjoy being close to nature and since we are in a city, this is the best way to bring nature to me."

She had been extending her hand towards a large Dionaea-muscipula, better known as a Venus flytrap when I pulled her away.

"I'm going to get that hot shower now. Have you had lunch?"

"No. I just woke up a while ago and I was going to order something when I saw the storm outside. I was debating between Thai and Japanese food."

"That's what I was thinking of doing as well. Can you order me something as well? I'm not picky."

Then I left to take a relaxing, hot shower. Or so I thought.

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