Arlo Throws Down The Gauntlet

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Mr. Bowman blew the whistle hard for at least a minute and then yelled, "The winners are Cecile and Team Coral!"

Silence hung in the air. Arlo's team had lost. The former Wellston King had been usurped by Cecile, who was not even Queen anymore, and her team. Not only that, for it seemed that the new girl and some of the low-tiers had orchestrated the win. All these thoughts must have been running through everyone's minds as they first looked at Cecile, Meili, and the high-tiers on the Coral team, who looked as shocked with the outcome as the Amethyst Team did. That is when all eyes turned to me, Sarah, Anderson, and Cameron, the true "heroes" of this victory.

Before anything further could be said, Mr. Bowman continued speaking.

"As recompense for the victory, the winning team may leave and take the rest of the period to do whatever they wish. The losing team will have to run ten laps of the track before the end of class, after which they too will be dismissed."

A loud groan was heard from the Amethyst team, and Arlo's eyes glowed in anger at losing and having to do something as degrading as running laps. Mr. Bowman smiled and seemed to think a little.

"If anyone wishes to be excused, they must convince a member of Team Coral to run in their place."

Most of Team Coral had already turned towards the locker room, though they paused at the mention of their team. Still, many refused to look back and meet the eyes of their classmates, some of which had been wounded during the exercise.

I scanned the wounded students on Team Amethyst and saw a girl who seemed to have a twisted ankle. Everyone else seemed to be more or less standing without help, but she was being supported by two of her friends.

"I'd like to take the place of that girl. Cameron, Anderson, could you guys see that she gets to the Infirmary?"

I pointed to the frazzled blue-haired girl with the limp. Mr. Bowman inclined his head as if he approved and Cameron and Anderson took the place of her friends and walked the girl off the field.

Mr. Bowman then blew his whistle hard and yelled, "Enough stalling! Get running!"

I began to run a leisurely pace though I felt how many of the other team's students were purposely avoiding running beside me. They either sped up when I approached or slowed way down so as to avoid me altogether. Everywhere there were whispers.

"How did she do that?"

"She stole the flag from under Arlo's nose."

"But how? She never left the other side of the field."

"Can you believe the flag was within the bouquet of daisies she threw to Cecile?"

"First, Joker makes a fool out of the Royals and Arlo and now the new girl does the same with Arlo. Where are these high-tiers coming from?"

"Who Is She?!"

Arlo had completed his first lap and was coming to by to lap me when I felt a shove as he ran by. The force of it pushed me off the track and a couple of steps into the grass of the football field. Moving my shoulder in a slow circle, I assessed the hit. It was not too bad; luckily, Arlo had not dislocated it so I would not need to stop by the infirmary today.

I stepped back on to the track and ran to catch up with Arlo. Once I was running side by side with him, I spoke up.

"Hey, Asslo! That was extremely rude, shoving me off the track like that."

He gave a grunt and sped up to try to outrun me. I increased my speed and caught up with him again. He was showing signs of fatigue from running so fast, faster than I believe he would have normally run. Me, I was just getting loosened up, and my muscles had carried me across the finish lines of more than one marathon so this would be a piece of cake.

"Wow! I did not know that the former King of Wellston was such a sore loser."

That caught his attention as he stopped and grabbed me by my collar.

"What did you say?!"

His blue eyes glowed intensely, and his hand was closed in a tight fist. Calmly I repeated my words.

"I said, I did not know that you were such a sore loser."

Before anything could occur, Mr. Bowman blew his whistle and shouted at us.

"Keep running you slow-pokes!"

Arlo pulled me close and whispered threateningly.

"You, me, we'll settle this after school."

I drew up even closer and murmured.

"You'll have to wait a while. I have detention. Why don't we meet at eight tonight on this field?"

He released his grip on my t-shirt and shoved me back.


He began to sprint again, and I dropped back to run again at a more relaxed pace. By the time the ten laps had been completed, Arlo was soaked in sweat. His hair dripped from it and his t-shirt clung to his torso. If he had not been so annoyingly rude maybe I would have been inclined to admire his toned six-pack abs. From the oohs and ahhs, many of the other girls running on the track were swooning at the sight.

Finishing up right behind him, I headed towards the girl's changing room. I stepped into the shower for a swift rinse and then I changed back into the regular uniform. By now, I had already lost the daisies I had placed in my hair that morning, so I did up my hair in a Dutch crown braid, sans flowers.

By the time school and detention ended, I was ready to meet up with John. I had a hunch that Blyke and Isen would also bring Remi and maybe even Sera. However, I hoped that my challenge with Arlo would not interfere.

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