3.2 Getting back to normal.

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Me and Tori walk down the street with Ian in between us.... all of us were holding hands.

Like a little family usually I would roll my eyes and puke at myself but right now I was just enjoying the moment.

We were walking back home actually from Tori's last doctors appointment.

Once I unlocked the house Ian ran inside, up the stairs into his room, claiming that his Elmo's was missing him.

I roll my eyes at his behavior while Tori only giggled.

We both collapsed onto the couch with a big black soft blanket covering us...

Watching reruns of Christmas specials for Family guy and American dad.

I was luaghing about Stewie trying to steal santa when she said something.

"So were back" She asked hopefully, her hot breath on the back of my neck witch made me shiver.

I only shrug.

"Im not sure yet" I said eyes still on the Tv

"Why arent you sure"? She asked confused

"I dont know you anymore, I know the old you but not the new" I said bitting my lip a little

"You could get to know me" she said seductively leaving light feathery kiss my neck.

I gasp, it had been so long...

"I'll show you the new me and all her new tricks" she whispered im my ear...before dragging me to my bedroom.

Oh fuck.


I updated.

Its Christmas yayyy.

I didnt get anything I asked for.

So yay for that, I guess.



AdD to your library's AnD all that WatTpad shit MkAy lOVe you bye.

Have a merry Christmas.



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