4.2 Never.

679 18 1

I sighed as I looked threw the hospital window down at all the people.

They were walking, running and skipping e.c.t the people were fucking mocking me.

I look away and started to chip at my black nail polish Tori had painted a week ago.

There was nothing to do here, it was an white prison that held me hostage.

My birthday was three days away and to tell the truth, I wasn't excited not at all.

Tori had left an hour ago to shower and go pick up Ian so I was stuck here bored out of my mind.

I look up when I hear an knock on my door before my doctor came in.

I watched confused as he sat down on the chair next to my bed looking at his clipboard.

I only blinked waiting for him to say something but he only keeps rereading the same page in denial eventually I get fed up my patients running dry.

"Did you find out what's wrong with me" I asked grumpily crossing my arms while laying in the pulled up hospital bed.

"Yes" He muttered out flipping a page.

"and its is" I asked trailing off.

"You have primarily bone cancer".

I stayed silent. That shut me up.

We had just fighted cancer with Tori and now its was back but I had it.

Wasn't this some ironic bull shit?

"Over the years its seems you've had cancer for an long time Miss. West, its very tragic that you haven't noticed the signs this all could if been prevented" he said looking into my eyes.

I look down before looking back at him. Definitely ironic bullshit.

Rethinking all the miss opportunities and all the missed sighns and doctor's appointments.

"So what are you gonna do now?" I asked.

He sighs. "Were not going to put you on chemo because that's not going to help now all we can do is give you major credited medicine to help with the sharp pains you get in your back from putting alot of pressure on it and just dealing with the cancer alone, this medcine will give you the strength to fight off the cancer and live with it basically... This is a rare case jade, living with cancer... You'll be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life but you will live a full life " He says slowly.

"I'm never going to be able to use my legs again" I asked slowly putting on my brave face.

"I'm sorry Miss.West but you will never use you your legs again" He said with dread in his eyes.

"But you can go home tommarrow or whenever you want just sign out when you do so you can get your prescriptions" He said getting out of the chair his face showing no emotion.

God, I hated doctors...

I hated my life.

"Will you tell Tori this" I asked.

"Mrs. Vega"?

I nod, emotionessly.

"Of course she is your significant other correct" He asked opening the door.

I blink away my tears.


He nods quietly before walking out closing the door.

My eyes fall back to the white clean tortures ceiling and silently cried to my self.

This chap is kinda sad.

And a bummer.

But it was needed so yeah.



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