1.6 The Ring 1/4

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I walked into the Mall and went into the first Jewry store, It was pretty difficult since I'm not not the type of girl who goes shopping, I walk over the ring section there where many blue, green, hell even yellow, I mean who buys a fucking yellow engagement ring? I know I'm not, I look threw the rings again and lefted to go to another when I saw people screaming and leaving the mall there was women running with children on there hips and holding strollers running like there doing a marathon, I was very confused, i even saw old people running too then the Jewry shop owners and the customers in the shop running too, I look up to see the roof on fire I quickly make a run for it like everyone else but like me and a couple people the roof fell on the entrance I quickly back up from the burning rubble that was once an entrance, I put my sleeve of my black jacket to my nose to stop from smelling smoke, I look around in panic to see who was stuck her with me it was just an Black Woman with a baby and Kid and an teenager the seemed to be all together I walk over quickly

"Your stuck too" I asked, she only nodded fast and holded her baby close to her chest

"We need to get out of here"I said out loud witch earned the family attention, then I got an Idea

"Follow me" I said quickly and then I quickly walked up the stairs since the escalator was down a covered in ash, we all quickly ran up the stairs as fast as we could with teenage boy going fasted them me holding the kid who looked about two and was about 2 was my guess and the Mom who was running as fast as she could while holding the baby and by my guess pregnant she was very large so I was guessing she was somewhere around 9 months, we ran as fast as we could into an bathroom that was mostly brick I sigh in relief as everyone was safe I locked the metal door and slid quietly down the door and put my head into my hands, I feel a hand go on my shoulder to see its the teenager boy

"Thanks for getting us out of there" , I only nod and fully turn to him

"So whats your name kid"I asked,  normally I wouldn't give a fuck but since I was stuck in a half brick bathroom with strangers with thick skin burning fire on the other side of the door I thought why not?


OK that was chapter sixteen part 1, I hope you like it

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