1.6 The Ring 2/4

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Tori's point of view

I had finally put Ian down and then went down stairs and collapsed on the couch, I was fucking tired and was about to go to sleep till thought I hadn't watch the news in a while I grabbed the remote off our black coffee table and turned the tv on and to channel 2, I watched for while listening to the stories of the news that Jade would probably say it was boring as fuck, I watched as a mom yelled into the fox 2 camera saying how her son had got raped it was tragic and almost made me cry, I watched a little longer waiting for Jade to come home, I look at my phone to see its 7:34 pm she left and 4:pm can't take that long can it? I bite my nail deciding if I should call her, My head pops back up to the TV off my phone, I look see there's a fire warning on the TV, then an New's Ancher, with face of terror in background was burning Lansleying Mall, the mall me Jade went to almost every fucking week, my eyes go wide and my face goes

-look at the picture now-

I quietly listen as they New's Ancher talked

"Hello, so there is an big fire happening at Lanselying Mall and most family's are out and are getting Medical attention for smoke deposit in there lungs, So far we have not found the case of this fire and it is still going strong while in background there are firemen trying to put out this tragic fire and get in as soon as possible to see if there are anymore survivors so far there has been a count for 147 bodies many family's have came to pickup there body of there love ones, this is a very tragic event in history today, and please if you think a member of your family was in this mall then please come to check to see if any of these bodies may be your family member this ....Is Anthony Depth reporting out"

I just blindly stare at the TV for a while till I let out big scream in pain of the love of my life maybe being dead, of my not seeing her face, her smile ,hell even her laugh...

I hear Trina run down stairs as quickly as an pregnant woman could

"What's wrong"?

"Jade, fire at the mall" I said quickly in panic pointing to the TV

"Okay I get Ian and meet you there"She said quickly and raced up the the stairs

"Wait how" I yelled back

"I'll use Jades other car" She yelled back

That made my heart ache...someone else using her car the car she bought...the car the she might not drive again...

"Now go"She yelled that woke me up from my pity party, I quickly grabbed my keys and wiped a tear that leaked out my eye

"I'm getting her back" I whispered to myself then started the car and backed up out of the car way to Lanselying Mall.


Well that was part 2 of the ring next very soon so vote, comment and add to your library's and yeah I want to get this 'The ring' over with by the end of this week and them make an super awesome and fluffy Halloween part-er for y'all by next thursday so yep also yay I finally did Tori POV but I like Jade POV more it just feels more natural.

mkay love you bye ~Kai

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