0.5 why?

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we were driving home and tori was giving me the what the fuck look...I guess I deserved it I mean I basically stole a baby, I smirk at the thought wow beck got really stupid over the years

"why ?" tori said simply her eyes softer now looking into mine

"what do you mean babe" I ask with my innocent face

"seriously...why did you take there baby" tori asked while rubbing her face in frustration

"I don't know what your talking about" I said with a little smirk

"are you fucking serious jade...damnit im talking about the baby in backseat our car in the car seat !" tori yelled

"just kidding..mkay...sorry..."

I paused

"but you don't wanna wake the baby" I added with smirk

"jade...sometimes you get on my last nerve" tori said with sigh while checking our back seat again

"I know" I said with a smirk then coughed then that turned into a coughing fit after I was done tori looked at me with concern

"im fine" I whispered

and it was quiet the whole rest of the ride except for when for some reason ian wanted to cry

...im starting to think this was a bad idea...


hey guys I have no clue why I updated so early but I noticed I had over 700 views im just like holly fuck let update for these crazy reading bitches ...naw I just kidding but thanks for reading vote, comment and follow that would be greatly appreciated did I say vote? well if I did vote! mkay bye ~kai

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