4.7 The End

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I roll my eyes handing Tori more tissues as Ian's fiancé sat by the alter waiting for Ian to walk down the isle.

Yes. I was happy that Ian was getting married....and a mother should be happy to see her son get married but honestly everyone was crying, blowing there noses and shit also  there were flowers ever where the smell and just the brightness of them  making me itch and honestly way to much pink if you ask me but I was here to support ian was my thought as Tori squeezed my hand harder once music started I gasp and try to shake her off so she wouldn't fucking break it.

Spuddering when Tori quickly turned to me her brown locks swishing in my face making me glare at her.

"What's up"? She questions quietly one she notices me trying to shake off her hand.

"Your fucking breaking my hand tori" I hissed out.

She blinks before everyone else starts getting up.

"Sorry" she adds before watching Ian slowly strut down the white rose incrusted isle that was worth way to much if you ask me.

Lol don't know how fucking weddings work :/

God help me.

"Ok so basically were here to get these to guys married so they can have awesome great gay sex after" The preacher said looking at all of us.

And I almost spite up my water I was drinking.

Me and Tori look at each other while Ian and Jamez gave us a death glare since we were in charge of hiring  of what preacher who was going to marry them.

I sink a little in my seat little followed by Tori who was letting out a few chuckles.

"Now any vows and or anything" The preacher asked then blinked.

"Ok no" he let out as Jamez opened his mouth.

"Good" Preacher said.

Before giving  both men a hug letting them both sighn a paper.

"Ok you are both married now go fuck each other and do couple shit" The preacher let out before leaving out the exit door.

Everyone leaves to the Reception and Food banquet while we try to scramble out of there before we here our names called.

"Mom's"! Ian screeched making us both stop with sigh.

We turn around watching as Ian angrily stomped to us follwed by an sympathetic Jamez who was holding his hand being dragged behind.

"Well congratulations" Tori said with a smile trying to change topic knowing fully well that it wasn't going to change.

"Mom what hell" Ian yelled at me crossing his arms

"Um congratulations" I said with smirk fully on my ruby red lips

"Really? Were did you even get that guy" Jamez asked with chuckle but stopped when Ian glared at him to.

"Craglist" I stundered out trying not to laugh.

"Mom really? Are we even married" he asked.

"He had license so yeah maybe" I put out laughing

Ian roll his eyes before joining me laughing away.

While Jamez and Tori only looked at each other wondering why they were married to such lunatics...

And that is the end my friends and no there will be no second book only because usually the second books only ruin my first.

I hope you enjoyed this rollercoaster ride because I certainly did.

Vote, comment, share.

We made it to 47 guys....I think we did pretty fucking good.

And remember to check out my other Jori book!

I love you guys!

Stay negative!

I'm gonna miss this story...


Mon, April 6, 2015 (just to remember) :/

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