2.3 New Me

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It had been a couple months since Tori left Ian here and I could actually say it was going okay except for having about freaking five hours of sleep I was doing OK I had re-dyed my hair and kept my black look, Ian was now three and I was walking down the street hand in hand to barber shop down the street to get his haircut because it was seriously to long and he was sporting the 'Beck' but I just didn't like...for him, he was wearing black skinny jeans and his white and red emo shirt that he was crazy over and his gray converses and as always a big smile on his face that melted my bad days always, I smile as we walk down the street together into the barber shop.

His brown eyes look up all the selections, I only walk over to an available one and said "I wanted a smooth cut and whatever Ian wanted pretend that he going to get but don't" then went in my bag and put a couple of extra bucks in his pocket...

I watched as he skipped to me then faced the barber

"I want number 45 sir" Ian said trying to look tuff

"Sure little man" The barber said then got an buster seat, I picked him up and sat him down in it then I was about to walked back to the waiting chairs when Ian called me something I didn't think I wanted to hear but kind of actually liked only little.

"Mommy can you hold my jacket"? He asked

I turned around quickly and faced him and just took the jacket and walked back to the seat and just sat their staring at nothing...

He actually called me mom.

OK so I really wanted to update because it Sunday and as you probably guessed I'm not that religious so I just sit here and chill mkay love



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Mkay love you



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