thirty five | rain |

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By the time Siddharth and Pari entered Pari's house their clothes were almost wet clinging to their similar wet bodies. This is the first time Pari had seen it rain so heavily in London, as if mother nature was working on some plan of her own. Stepping inside the house, the first thing Pari heard was the tap of nails on the concrete floor, in less than a few seconds she and Siddharth were greeted by her three dogs, a Labrador named Leo, a Great Dane named Miles and a Saint Bernard named Peach They came running towards Pari and rubbed their heads against her legs to be petted and once done they moved on to Siddharth. Owning a dog himself, Pari knew Siddharth wouldn't be uncomfortable by their presence and their curious snoots. He was quick to pet them starting from scratching behind their ears to belly rubs.

Having been petted enough, Pari's dogs retreated. Meanwhile she grabbed themselves some towels from the laundry room to dry themselves off. Siddharth clothes were drenched and there was no way he was going to survive in them. Handing him the towels, Pari headed upstairs, cleaning herself and then changing into a comfortable pair of shorts and a top, then heading over to the room that Daniel stayed in when he was there spending time with her, his only family. Pari grabbed a pair of his clothes to offer Siddharth. Daniel was a bit shorter than Siddharth was but their physique was somewhat the same, minus all the muscle and the abs that Siddharth had but Pari reckoned Daniel's clothes would fit him well.

Coming downstairs Pari saw Siddharth was still drying himself off, he has taken down his shirt to reveal the chiselled body that he possessed which always seemed to throw her in a trance of erotic thoughts. Seeing her now present in the same room as his, Siddharth flashed her one of his breath-taking smiles which she instantly returned.

"Here, wear these." Pari said handing him the clothes that she had gotten for him. Siddharth eyed the clothes in her hand and on realising that Pari was handing him some spare clothing, he was grateful and mutter a thank you before taking them and starting to wear them right in front of her.

"I will get you some coffee." Pari said and left for the kitchen giving him some privacy to change.

"There's nothing that you haven't seen already." Siddharth called out to her then chuckling to himself. Pari could feel the heat rising to her cheeks knowing very well what Siddharth was talking about. Ignoring Pari searched the cabinets for where the coffee was and then prepping up everything needed for a warm cup of coffee.

They were now sitting in Pari's living room looking outside the huge glass window on their side that looked over the huge backyard and the pool, watching the rain hit against the concrete and the grass while sipping on their coffee. There was an eerie silence as neither of them spoke sitting under the faint light that lightened up the room, Siddharth had insisted on keeping the lights low as he wanted to enjoy the rain that night. Tunes from the Vinyl played on the gramophone and the pitter patter of the rain against the concrete of the house filled the room. The gloominess in the air was weirdly comforting to both Pari and Siddharth.

Pari lifted the coffee mug to her lips, the smoke caressing her smooth skin. Taking a long sip, she finally broke the silence that loomed over them. "How did you find me in the restaurant?" Pari asked, a question that she has been meaning to ask for a long time now.

Pari saw him nervously shifting in his seat and turning the cup in his hand before he finally looked at her and began to speak. "It was a plan." He said and though it seemed to surprise Pari initially, she now knew where it was going to go.

Siddharth finished his story, Pari had already known what he had said but she still found it very difficult to believe. She couldn't bring herself to look at Siddharth, feeling hurt and a little betrayed so she turned her face back to the window, looking outside at the rain, thinking of how her friends had helped someone else rather than standing up with her decision. Pari was furious at Harpreet and she was furious with Siddharth and Harry too, but instead of lashing out at them she chose to remain calm, much to the surprise of Siddharth who had expected Pari to shout and scream at him. Silence filled the room once again and she felt Siddharth shift in his seat, yet she wasn't going to break the silence.

Pari was deep in her thoughts when she heard Siddharth clear her throat. "Pari, I love you." She heard Siddharth then say. Unable to resist herself anymore at the words that took her by surprise she turned around towards the source of the sound from the window that she was facing to see Siddharth looking intently at her. Pari looked at him perplexed and he took the cue to repeat himself once more. "Pari, I mean this. I am in love with you. Truly, madly, deeply."

Pari kept silent unable to digest the confession that Siddharth had just made while Siddharth sighed thinking that he had blown his only chance but he wasn't ready to give up just yet, at least not before trying harder.

"Pari, I know everything you went through. I had met up with your friend Maddy after you had left, to find the answers that you had left me asking myself. She told me everything, about each and everything you had to go through and I promise you that I am not like any of them. I can be better. You just need to trust me." Siddharth said. "I met Harpreet as well because I wanted to be good enough for you and I had to know what I needed to do to make you feel that I am good enough for you, I wanted you to see the love I have for you and that's the only reason he helped me out, because he sees how much I am in love with you. Pari don't make me go empty handed from here, I have left everything to be with you here today."

"what do you mean by you left everything to be here today?" Pari asked confused not understanding what he meant.

Pari heard him sigh deeply and then looking up to land hi eyes on her and Pari could see the great pain that reflected in his eyes. "Karan and I had a contract, I was bound to take up his film and we had signed the film deal as well." Pari nodded in understanding that Karan had tried his best to stop Siddharth from coming here just like she had asked him to but she wasn't going to reveal it to Siddharth, at least not for now. She motioning him to continue.

"But I backed out since the shoot was beginning this month and I couldn't stay away from you so long. Karan threatened to sue me for disrupting the contract. He even wants to ruin my career in Bollywood saying he will make sure no director or producer works with me. But I couldn't let you go Pari. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I feel so good with you, you make me feel like myself and make me feel complete."

Hearing his revelation, Pari's eyes widened, even though she knew the truth she couldn't believe that the man in front of her was willing to throw his whole life, his whole career away just to be with her. Without thinking any further, she stepped forward, closing the gap between them and kissed him. She kissed him tenderly like she had been hungry for years for the taste of his lips.

She felt him shudder under her body, clearly taken aback by what Pari had done. Siddharth soon came to terms with what was happening and slid his hand around her waist as Pari wrapped her arms around his neck.

Pari broke away from the kiss now looking directly at Siddharth, beginning to whisper in his ear. "You already are good enough for me, nobody had ever put this much efforts for me." She said and then placing a lingering kiss on his earlobe. "And don't worry we will fix things with Karan too," She said only to earn a forehead kiss from Siddharth which led to another passionate kiss. They were still kissing, when Siddharth suddenly picked Pari up bridal style and walked upstairs to her bed room. Entering through the door, he threw Pari on the bed and jumped on her like a hungry lion jumps on his prey, resuming their incomplete kiss and talking the night away.


Hey guys, do you like the story this far? I was actually thinking if I should end the story here or continue for another three or four chapters and provide a better ending.

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