thirty two | stood up |

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It has been a little above two weeks that Pari have been back to London, leave behind Mumbai for good. Daniel was furious with her decision of coming back, disregarding everything that he had wanted for her but he had ultimately calmed down once he listened to her reasons. He had nodded with her with sad eyes, and Pari had known that he was hurt to see her in that condition. He sympathized with her at all times and had provided her with all the comfort that he thought she needed. Daniel had been the perfect father figure to Pari in the last six years, and respected and loved him very much. Pari was so glad to have found him in the restaurant that night. He had changed her entire life and given her the new start that she had come to England looking for.

Did that mean Pari didn't miss her parents? No, it didn't because she missed them every minute of the day. She couldn't stop thinking of where they were and what they were doing or how they were, and she always thought of what she had done to them. Pari had cause them immense pain and embarrassment, always consoling herself thinking that they were better off without her.

The first few days back in London Pari stayed in my home, she stayed with Daniel and her dogs that she loved very much, cutting herself from the outside world. She spent quality time with each of them and took the much-needed rest that she thought she deserved after having tolerated so much back in India. It was true that going back to her homeland had turned out exactly the way she had thought it would be. Exhausting and a disaster.

A few days later Harpreet and Louise had come over to visit her. Pari had actually reached out to them informing them that she had returned back to London, unknown to her that Harpreet already knew and that Siddharth had reached out to her friend before she did. Pari had called them up together in a conference call waiting for both of them to pick up the call before finally announcing, "Hey guys, I am home." Pari had said and they had immediately come over to visit her.

"Pari, it's so nice to see you again." Louise said wrapping her in a tight hug and Harpreet followed suit. They had stayed over for more than three hours that day and they had spoken their hearts out. About the things that were new in their life, Harpreet and Louise had apparently decided to move in together and Pari couldn't have been happier for her two best friends, she had already known that this was about to happen. Then the conversation shifted to Pari's experiences in Bollywood and all the friends that she had made there, with Louise getting excited every time she mentioned meeting a celebrity or working with one. Pari had purposely missed out on Siddharth as she didn't want them to know about anything that had happened because she knew they would force her acknowledge his feelings and consider getting together with him, just like they had done at the time with Zayn. This was the thing about them, whenever they thought some guy liked her, they would always force Pari to consider the guy as if they had taken it upon themselves to get her hooked up with any possible person of the opposite gender. Pari knew that they only did it because cared about her and wanted her to be happy but she just wasn't interested and they knew the reason very well.

After they had left Pari went to her room to unpack her clothes that had laid neglected in her luggage for days, when my eyes landed on her phone that she was using back in India. It still had the number that she was using in India and she saw her phone flooded with texts and alerts of the calls that she had missed. Siddharth's named flooded the screen of the phone and Pari immediately removed the sim from the sim tray and chucked it in the dustbin, and with that all her contacts in India was gone, left behind.

It has been quite a few days since Pari had been at home and now she felt like she needed to resume working in the office to keep herself busy and occupied. Daniel had updated her on a huge business opportunity that he was working on and entrusted her with it, knowing g that she was fully capable of taking care of it. He wanted her to prepare a grand project outlining their business plan and convince the investors as soon as possible. It was a huge project and Pari knew it would take some time and possibly some help from their other business partner Harry.

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