thirty four | primrose park |

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* Pari's POV *

I saw Siddharth.

My eyes were already teared up from people staring at me and talking about me getting stood up, some at pity in their eyes while some were amused, my blood boiling at the thought of Harry who thought it was cool for him to ditvh me. Usually I was resistant to all these things, but not tonight. I tried blinking away my tears to see if I was only dreaming about Siddharth being there, but to my surprise he was actually there. Before I could do anything or say anything, I felt his arms wrap around me, warmth radiating from his body seeping into mine only to confirm my doubts.

He was indeed here.

We broke away from the hug and he immediately side hugged me, not wanting to leave me alone.

"Do you want to go sit down?" He asked looking down at me intently with caring eyes.

"No, let's go." I said not wanting to be embarrassed anymore and wanting to escape the curious glances of the people around.

He quickly grabbed my arms and led me out of the restaurant. Outside, the chill London night air hit me and I was knocked back into my senses.

I was standing here on a sidewalk of London with Siddharth Malhotra.

Instantly, I took a step back and looked at him in awe. I saw the sudden surprised that washed over his face from me pushing him away.

"What are you doing here?" I croaked almost spitting venom from my words.

He ignored the harshness and remained calm. "Let's go somewhere and we can talk there." he said.

"Not a chance." I said with the same harshness in my voice, folding my arms on my chest.

He remained silent and I had made up my mind that I was not ready to give into his request. He had to tell me why he was here and I deserve to know.I saw Siddharth shiver under the cold London wind. It was chilly and he was not properly dressed, he had obviously not estimated the weather outside right and neither had he lived in London long to get used to the weather here like I was, not always requiring to dress appropriately for the cold. I waited for him to say something but he only looked at the floor. Defeated I looked at Siddharth. I had lost to myself, my care for the person standing in front of me. I didn't want to see his suffer or fall sick.

"Let's go." I said holding his hand and pulling him towards my car. Once he understood what I had just said his face lit up the brightest and he readily got into the car.

The car ride was silent until I pulled up at one of my favourite places in London, Primrose Hill. It was a beautiful park which was ideal for picnics and local music concerts. At night this place was lighted up with fairly lights and the gazebo in the middle of the park looked like a scene from the fairy tale. Getting down from the car I saw Siddharth gasping at the beautiful sight in front of him, Mumbai was beautiful but the busy streets had nothing like this. The crowd was sparse, mostly couples sitting on the few benches and either talking or making out, few food trucks stood near the entrance of the park and seeing them I remembered that I was hungry as I hadn't eaten anything and I assumed that Siddharth hadn't either.

"Hungry?" I asked Siddharth catching him off guard who immediately looked away from the gazebo to me giving me a confused look. Understanding that he had not heard what I had said I repeated again. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah." He said shyly.

"Wait here then." I said, running quickly toward one of the food trucks, glancing at the array of items they had to offer. I immediately offered some fish and chips, fried chicken and pizza once I saw them on the menu then I also picked some soda for the two of us. Siddharth ran to help me once he saw me carrying the loads of food that I ordered and I didn't resist because I needed the help. Once we found and empty and isolated spot, I quickly sat down on the grass crossing my legs and placed the food on the ground as well. Siddharth looked at me shocked obviously not having expected me to do that.

"Are you not going to sit?" I asked and he instantly dropped down on the grass.

We dug into our food hungrily when I began again. "Why are you here?" I asked but this time I was not harsh instead to my surprise I actually sounded kind of sweet probably from being overwhelmed with the fact that he had been my saviour.

"I am here for you." He said not looking at me.

"Cut the bullshit." I said spitting out my words again.

"Well, it isn't bullshit." he stated calmly.

I looked at him, my eyes squinted, blood boiling with anger and Siddharth seemed to notice it. He didn't want to anger me further so he quickly changed the topic and asked how I had been and how my business was going. I didn't press him further not wanting to ruin either of our mood. We were done and he had finished telling me about his work and how he had not signed a recent film deal with Karan because he felt the character was not for him.

We were engrossed in our conversation not even realising when the night had turned so cold. Siddharth was now shivering again under the wind. "Let's go" I said checking my watch which showed that it was nearly midnight.

We were now in the car in front of my house. I had offered Siddharth that I would drop him to his hotel first and then return home but he had insisted that we go to my house and that he would get the cab from there.

"What's the point of going to my house if you are going to get a cab? You can get one from here itself." I had said.

"I want to make sure you reach home safe." Siddharth said smiling cheekily.

"I have lived here more than you have. It you who needs to be safe." I protested.

I felt my heart overwhelmed when he said "It's my job to see that you are safe." I had not protested anymore and did as he wanted.

Siddharth and I sat in the car as rain started pouring heavily, he tried to book a cab on one of the several apps in his phone but no cab was available due to the torrential downpour. It was heavy compared to the numerous rains we get here in London and we both ended up cursing the London rain at the same time which triggered a round of laughter.

"Why don't you stay here at my place tonight?" I said knowing very well that he was not going to make it out of here because no cab would be coming to pick him up.

"No, I can't do that." he said resisting and I knew it was I who had made him uncomfortable by leaving suddenly and he didn't want to risk upsetting me again.

"You can stay here Siddharth." I said trying to assure him that it was fine by me.

"Will the other house occupants be okay?

"I live alone." I said.

He put his hands on his mouth trying to feign surprise. "You love alone in this Castle?" he said pointing to my house. "Well, then you do need a knight to protect you'" he said teasing me and I ended up laughing my heart out not before spanking him in the arm. I felt happy that we were joking around like old times but then my laughter stopped once reality hit me. I was in love with him.

Siddharth had already gotten down from the car and was waiting for me to do the same. Once out, we both headed inside the house and at once I knew.

It was going to be a long night.


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