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"You are Siddharth, the Siddharth Malhotra." Pari heard Maddy say to Siddharth as she trotted over to him. 

"Oh my god, oh my god, can I touch you to see that you are real and I am not dreaming." Maddy continued saying as Siddharth still stared at her. He then nodded gently, which Pari saw from the corner of her eye, followed by Maddy gasping, trying to take in air, surprised that the hot guy in front of her just allowed her to touch him Maddy then closed the gap between her and Siddharth, using both of her hands to feel Siddharth, she ran her fingers on his arms, feeling his biceps and his face, running them through his cheeks and then placing her palms on his chest as she sighed deeply

Pari was angry, she was very angry at Maddy for coming in here and then forgetting her over some guys. She was angry at Siddharth for letting another girl touch him the was Maddy was touching him while she was standing there. But Pari also knew that more than she was angry, she was hurt for Siddharth was under the same kind of effect that Maddy had on every other boy. Pari was jealous, she knew and she didn't like the feeling.

Pari looked at Siddharth again and this time she caught him staring at her, she smiled at him faintly and then turned around to face the other side waiting for them to finish, but when it had been long and they both had been engrossed in each other company Pari decided it was finally time for her to intervene. "Hey, actually I am here in Mumbai working as an assistant film director and we have this small premiere today and I was hoping you would like to come with us and then we could come back here and catch up."

"Oh my god, yes, yes please." Maddy squealed as she hugged Siddharth, who hugged her back earning a faint painful smile from Pari.

Pari showed Maddy the way to the car and she insisted on sitting in the passenger seat so she could be with Siddharth, finishing up the talk that they had started back in her apartment. Pari quickly agreed knowing that she had no importance at the moment for either of them, slipped into the back seat getting busy on her phone browsing through Instagram looking at quotes that describes her broken perfectly while they waited for Siddharth ta take the driver's seat. As the call rolled, after Siddharth had gotten in Pari found her thoughts wandering back to what had happened upstairs, smiling to herself.

Yeah, I am that easy to be gotten oven.

Maddy was Pari's best friends, she loved her a lot and Maddy had always been there for Pari but there were things Pari disliked about her too, like how she had never cared about anyone's feeling but her own. Pari was also fascinated by Maddy, she was always so cool and comfortable around they boys and girls alike, hugging them and touching them and that's what made her popular among them, she was known among everyone and she was liked by all. Pari felt like was invisible whenever she was beside her, like she didn't even exist, and that what she had felt with Her today in front of Siddharth. It was like Maddy was the centre of the galaxy and she was some far away distant, forgotten planet, that no one cared about. Similarly, nobody cared about Pari when Maddy was around. Even now as Siddharth drove the car with both of them there, he had forgotten that Pari too was there with them and was only busy interacting with Maddy. But all these didn't make Pari love Maddy any less, she was in fact grateful that she had gotten Maddy back in my life and she was ready to do anything for that, even if that meant giving up the person that she had grown to like very much.

"Hey we are here." Siddharth told Pari breaking Pari from her from chain of thoughts. She smiled at him faintly, pain evident in it. Yes, she was hurt because he too had forgotten her around Maddy but she knew that it was Maddy's quality that everyone was so attracted to her and something was lacking in herself that she couldn't be like Maddy even if it was a little. Pari helped herself out of the car while Siddharth helped Maddy and they made their way inside Karan's house. Maddy was astonished, squealing at everything she saw, be it the house interiors or the celebrities that flooded the floor.

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