fourteen | haldi ceremony |

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Conversations with Siddharth after the day in his apartment had become minimum, not because Pari was trying to ignore him but because she had gotten very busy preparing for the wedding functions. She had taken it upon herself to help out as much as she can and before the family had even landed, she had already spoken to the caterers and decorators, and also booked the venue. Within a week Harpreet, his families and most of his relatives had come and settled in getting busy in the arrangements as well but Pari had made sure that they get a tour of the city as well with Pari undertook herself and her dear friend Aparshakti had willingly volunteered for.

Aparshakti had become the family's favourite in a matter of days, and so did Siddharth. Pari had introduced Siddharth to the family she felt she owed it to him for his helped and the family was grateful too for the help he had rendered, they had insisted on meeting him and as soon as they did he seemed to have swept the entire family of their feet.

"Guys, this is Siddharth" Pari had said leading Siddharth to the apartment her mother was in. "He helped me rent these apartments." Pari heard a round of gasp escape the lips of people in the room which was obviously crowded due to the festivities. People began complimenting him and giving him their regards as heat crept to his cheeks and he looked at the ground. He was clearly overwhelmed by the response when Pari held his hand, he timidly looked up to face her sideways and she nodded at him mentally signalling him that it was okay, she was there with him.

"Oh, such a lovely boy" Mother had said caressing his face "Thank you so much darling."

Siddharth flushed even more and Pari knew it was time for her to intervene. She stepped forward, held Siddharth hand dragging him along her and introducing him to everybody pointing at them individually as he greeted them with quick namaste. "Siddharth this is Mummy, this is Harpreet and Louise, this is Uncle ji and finally the woman of the hour, Soni Singh. "Then Pari dragged him again taking him to meet the other relatives. She took him to the other room to meet Harpreet's grandmothers, Nani and Dadi, introducing him to them. He touched their feet to receive their blessing which none on them delayed in showering upon him. And by the time Siddharth had left for his shoot that day he had already formed a good bond with Harpreet and his family, and would be seen in their apartment from time to time which made it more difficult for Pari to stay away from him.

 It was two days before the wedding, Harpreet and Siddharth were talking in the balcony talking while Aparshakti and Pari were sitting opposite to them on a rug, laughing away like maniacs on a joke Aparshakti had cracked when Pari felt someone's eyes on her, she turned to her side only to Siddharth's eyes on her, she saw that Siddharth was not his usual self but his eyes seemed darker than usual, unable to comprehend what was going on with him she dismissed it and went back to her conversation with Aparshakti. She was again back deep in their conversation only to be interrupted by her mother. She sat down between her and Aparshakti only to talk about something she wished she wouldn't.

"Such a lovely boy he Siddharth is." Mummy said looking at Pari wanting to gauge her reaction.

"Yes, he is." Aparshakti chimed in.

Pari looked at her mother faintly nodding at her and then at Aparshakti, glaring at him for even daring to side with what her mother had said and exaggerate this further than it was needed but only to be returned with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Pari, is something happening? Mummy said her hands going here and there as she made gesture trying to put forward her question clearly. "I mean with the two of you."

Her questing caught Pari off guard, she looked at her mother weirdly who was not telling Aparshakti how nice a boy Siddharth was and him agreeing to each of her words. Pari straightened herself and quickly gave a negative response while stammering.

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