eight | denim shorts |

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The following day Siddharth had come over to Pari's apartment to keep his side of the deal. Pari was busy trying to get the work done when she heard her doorbell ring, she opened the door to be greeted by an beaming Siddharth, which had greatly surprise Pari because she had not expected him to actually come down to help her but she was glad, more impressed actually, that he had kept his side of the deal and had come down for a simple paint job. Siddharth was wearing a black shirt paired with faded denim shorts., his hair was messy and falling on his forehead giving him a very elegant look, just taking one look at him made Par's breath hitch. Pari too dressed in denim shorts and an olive colour V neck shirt that had paint stains all over them.

Siddharth entered the apartment, gazing at Pari's retreating figure she headed over to the wall that she was busy painting, Siddharth saw that all the cartons and brushes had been kept ready for him along with an apron to keep stains off him shirt unlike Pari's.

"Lock the door when you come in." Pari called out to Siddharth who was still standing in the doorway.

Pari heard him stepping inside and bolting the locks, she could also feel him gazing at her even though she had her back turned to him. Pari could feel him observing her every move intently making her tremble under his gaze. Uncomfortable in the present situation she decided to break the silence. "Ready to do some painting?" Pari asked turning around to face Siddharth who quickly withdrew his eyes from her to the paint boxes.

He nodded now inspecting the brushes and tying the apron around his slender waist "You seemed to have settled in well". He said drowning the brush in the colour beginning to work his way on the wall.

They began to work together effortlessly, The air around was light and Pari found herself often stealing glances at Siddharth, she was unaware though that Siddharth too had been stealing glances at her until Pari finally caught him staring her and not knowing what to say Siddharth had lamely ended up complementing her on her painting skills. Pari couldn't help but smile to herself knowing that she wasn't the only one hooked to this guy. She loved spending time with him and she was glad she had found herself a friend in here. It was sometime later that Siddharth had finally began a conversation. "What did you do back in England?" He asked focusing on his paint strokes.

"I help Daniel with his business. I am a Business Major and I look after our London office." Pari said waving her brush in the air as she reminisced her days in the office.

"Who's Daniel." Siddharth asked now looking at Pari perplexed while she mentally cursed herself for not being cleared enough.

"He's the person who took me in when I moved to England, I had been homeless." Pari said as she walked to the chair that stood a few feet away from her. "I used to work in a McDonald's chain but it didn't pay.me that well and then one day Daniel came in, he told me I reminded him of his long-lost daughter Catherine, that wanted to take me in and even though at that moment it seemed like a big risk trust a stranger, I took the risk and today I am glad I did.." Pari said looking intently at Siddharth who looked at her with soft eyes, having already taken a seat opposite to her. "All that I am today is because of him and I owe him everything. He sponsored me and helped me to continue study and has helped me with everything." Pari said and Siddharth held onto her hand on the table giving it a light squeeze, sending Pari's heart in a frenzy.

"So, you used to live somewhere else before you moved to England? He asked and I nodded answering him. "And what about your parents? And why did you move?" He asked again waiting for me to answer but before I could he threw his hands up in the air groaning "I am so confused."

Pari chuckled at Siddharth who was messed up from hearing what Pari had said, well, he had to be because it was a confusing story after all but Pari decided to help him out a little. "Yeah, I used to like in Kolkata, I am from the originally. "Pari informed Siddharth and before he could continue bombarding her with more questions about her past which she was not ready to face, she decided to cut him off "And the rest is a long story which is meant for some other time."

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