nine | beach day |

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The next four days flashed by so quickly that they were over even before Pari could realise, bit fortunately they had bonded really well over these few days with both Siddharth and Pari were happy about. They would spend the entire morning and afternoon working on the walls and talk endlessly about things, ranging from the silliest of the things to grave matters and even sometimes of politics. Pari felt comfortable with him and every conversations were easy and fluid which Pari knew would be rather difficult with any other person other than Siddharth who was always high on life and friendly, since she was such an introvert and continuing conversations wasn't her thing but thankfully Siddharth had made it very easy for her..

Yes, Pari had difficulty making friends or mixing with people, she wasn't outgoing kind or the social butterfly, she preferred to stay at home rather than partying or going out with people. Pari was more comfortable talking to animals than she was talking to people, but with Siddharth, it seemed so much different, she enjoyed his company and longed for more, she actually looked forward to seeing him every time.

They had completed all the painting work in these four days and all that was left for that say was the intricate artwork and the details that Pari wanted adorning her walls. Was asking Siddharth to help in that too much? Probably, but she was sure he didn't mind and was happy to help.

"I am not good with drawing and painting intricate stuff." Siddharth had confessed to her.

"You need not come if you don't want to, nearly all of the work is done." Pari had said not wanting to force him for something that he clearly didn't want to do. "Thank you so much though, couldn't have done it without your help." Pari added thanking Siddharth for his help knowing that it would have been an impossible task without him.

"Nah, I want to come and help as much as I can." He had said surprising Pari but she had been glad

Pari had offered to make him some breakfast and was doing that, while she waited for Siddharth to come over. She had prepared the classis English breakfast that she had gotten used to at home, some toasted breads, pan fried sausages and a sunny side up egg, Siddharth had come over a few minutes later taking in the smell of good food and his eyes had lightened up as soon as he had seen Pari cooking for them.

"Making breakfast? He asked heading over the kitchen. What are we having?" He said as he leaned on the counter eyeing the pan where the sausages cooked.

"A classic English breakfast, my speciality." Pari said grinning at him.

She was done and they munched on their breakfast. Siddharth seemed delighted with what he had been served and Pari's eyes found themselves resting on his face only to find that that the mayo she had dressed her bread with were adorning the side of Siddharth's lips. She was wanting to tell him about it when Siddharth's eyes landed back on hers. Pari hadn't realised that she had been staring until she was caught, which broke her away from her thoughts.

"Like what you see?" Siddharth asked but Pari failed focus on what he said her eyes still on his succulent lips.

"Yeah" she said unaware of what Siddharth had said until she notice him furrowing his eyebrows and a smirk appear on his face.

"I mean no, you wish?" I she said instantly as soon as she realised what Siddharth had said catching faint strains of his voice previously.

Thankfully they were almost done with dinner that help Pari evade the situation like a professional, she had quickly got up from the table, heading over the kitchen to keep he plate and then coming back to so the same with Siddharth's

"What are we doing then?" He asked as stood in front of the wall that I intended on painting

"I am going to be doing everything, all you need to do is keep handing me the paints and brushes." Pari said standing her hands on her waist

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