eleven | new friends? |

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It had been over a month that Pari have been ignoring Siddharth, she found it quite difficult but she knew that it was for their own good, but she hadn't been able to ignore him fully though. She would sometimes see him in the hallway or they would be in the elevator together when it would be difficult for Pari to ignore him so all she would do would be to smile at him or just make small talk., but when he would ask her about hanging out or catching a movie together she would always lie telling him she was either busy or had something important to do.

"How's everything?" Siddharth would ask Pari trying to initiate a conversation.

"Fine." Pari would answer. "Yours?" she would then ask being polite.

"Same." He would say not knowing what else to say and the conversation would automatically come to an end.

They have had the same conversation innumerable times and every time Pari's short replies would bring it to an end and she would never try to take it any further. Initially Siddharth would try to keep the conversation going but had given up when he saw Pari would just shrug or ignore him, eventually deciding to stop trying. their conversations were now just constricted to
'Hey', 'Hello' and 'How are you'.

In these one months Pari had also seen Jacqueline coming and leaving from his apartment several times. She had started being friends with some of Siddharth's friends too as he had introduced to them, who in turn had introduced Pari to Jacqueline. She wasn't very fond of the idea of meeting Jacqueline but Varun and Aditya had insisted on making them meet and she couldn't have said no since she had become really close with Varun. Varun and she had just started working on the sets of Badrinath Ki Dulhania. Two weeks back Pari had received a call from Karan Johar, who was was starting the filming of a new film Badrinath Ki Dulhania and decided to hire her as the assistant director. Pari was glad since it meant she would be able to keep herself busy, taking her mind of Siddharth.

Pari's work life was happy and content, she liked managing stuff and plus she got to be with this amazing person, Karan Johar who treated her nothing less than he would have treated his own sister. She was also introduced to more people and she had started making some friends in the industry. Her work was more relieving to her than it was stressful owing to the lovely people she got to work with.

She had also become friends with Alia, being of the same age they had connected fast, though she was snobbish Pari still like her and had bonded with her over Siddharth.

"Hey, I am Alia." Alia had said on their first day on the sets of the film.

"Pari." She had introduced.

"Heard you live next to Sid." Alia said furrowing her brows. Clearly news travelled fast.

"Yeah, I do." Pari said.

And that was the start of a beautiful friendship, they had immediately hit it off and it was actually she who had introduced Pari to Varun Dhawan, who she had already heard about before from Siddharth, who was a very close friend of Sidharth and hers. In the mean course of time she also came to know that Sidharth and Alia had dated for a brief amount of time and he was an excellent boyfriend but they decided to end it mutually when things weren't working out the way they would have liked it to. She had also found out from Alia that Siddharth was quite known around the industry for dating his co actors. Alia had also started inviting Pari to parties and when she would not want to go, forcing her to go to them along with her. These lavish parties of Bollywood celebrities were exactly how she met her now best friend from the industry Aparshakti Khurrana who had also introduced me to his brother Ayushmann Khuranna. Ignoring Siddharth had gotten a bit difficult too. He would usually frequent these parties and recently he would come by the set to meet Varun and hang around helping Karan sir. He would sometimes try to get cheeky around Pari as well and she couldn't help but laugh at his antics, as she didn't want anybody to doubt that she was trying to ignore Siddharth, but things were not like they had been previously. Siddharth and Pari stopped meeting or hanging out and he was also spending a lot his time with his girlfriend.

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