five | dinner |

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After having met Siddharth downstairs all Pari could think about the entire day was his weird food choices and about him. He was someone you can call a coconut. Why coconut? Well, he really had a hard exterior, for instance their meet in the elevator where he had coldly ignored Pari and then he also has a soft interior like asking her out to dinner at his place just because Pari was new there. Well, even though none of those gossiping aunties did that which she wasn't complaining about because she was in fact glad that she had been saved from more of their gossips.

It was already late evening when Pari was done with some unpacking that she had to do, well her apartment was still a mess and it would definitely take some time for her to clean up. Not wanting to get late on her first invite, Pari decided to swiftly get ready. She put on the clothes that she had bought for that night, it was a sky blue coloured top which proudly displayed the pride colours in a little heart, pride was a hype in India at the point of time because wherever she went show saw everything in pride colours, flags, socks, and even jumpsuits. The aisle from where Pari had gotten ger top was displaying pride colours in their full glory too, well, it was obvious considering it had only been a month since India had scraped it Article 377 which illegalised gay rights, now giving them all the rights that any other citizens had. She paired her top with a high-rise front slit denim skirt and some sexy nude heels. She also kept my makeup minimal as she hated putting on too much makeup, but definitely had to look better today than she normally did. Making sure that she had concealed the eyebags under her eyes Pari took one last look into the mirror, straightened out her dress before grabbing the orchid plant that she had gotten as a thank you present.

Pari headed over to her neighbour's apartment, ringing the bell and then heading back towards her own apartment door to lock it, not wanting to waste time standing at his door waiting, which can be really long bearing in mind her past two experiences. No sooner had she locked the door than she heard Siddharth open the door. Pari could feel his eyes on her back, so she instantly smiled at him when she turned around to look at him.

"Hey, how are you tonight?" Pari asked Siddharth playing with her door key, making her way towards his apartment. Pari could feel him watching all her moves while she strode over and as soon as she was near to him, his lips curled up into a smile.

"I am good. How about you?" Siddharth asked Pari motioning for her to get inside which she cordially followed.

"I am fine, thank you." Pari said as he closed the door behind her.

Siddharth then walked past Pari, leaning on the kitchen island balancing himself against the concrete, eyed the plant in her hand, perplexed why would she have carried it with herself. It was after following the direction of his eyes that Pari had noticed that she had forgotten to hand the plant over to him so she quickly did that.

"Here, this is for you, for inviting me to dinner tonight." Pari said giving him the orchid plant which he immediately took and she could see his dark caramel eyes light up.

"I would have said that there is no need for this but I won't, because I love orchids." Siddharth said chuckling as he took the plant and kept it to its designated place in his house.

"Why don't you take a seat while I prepare dinner?" He said motioning to the sofa that sat in his living space.

Taking a seat on his couch Pari decided to asked him the most obvious question that came to my mind and then mentally facepalming myself for even asking it in the first place "You are going to cook?"

"Yeah, why not?" He shot back certainly hoping to amuse himself with whatever answer Pari would come up with.

"No, I just didn't expect this." Pari said and instantly saw his eyebrows rise up probably going to say something but before he could she decided to cut him off. "Can I help you in anyway?"

An Introvert's Guide To Finding LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora