thirty | past-life |

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*Siddharth's POV*

"It all started when were back in Class 11. We both were best of friends and a new boy; Amir had just moved into town. He was from Kashmir, very charming and attractive. He soon became our friend and we three became the best of friends."

"Then?" I asked her urging her to continue.

"Everybody could tell that Pari and Amir liked each other a lot almost as if they loved each other. Everyone knew except them, but everyone was glad that they were at least best of friends."

I nodded in understanding.

"It was just before our 12th board exam when he started dating one of our rival classmates. We both were hurt and felt betrayed as he already knew about how this girl used to bully Pari all throughout her school life and have left no stone unturned to make her life miserable. Pari took the initiative to talk to him about her and make him see that they girl was not worth his time but a huge fight broke out between the two of them."

"Go on." I urged her to continue.

"Their fight was bad. He ended up disrespecting her and our friendship. He ended up calling her names and abusing her verbally. He wanted to end their friendship but she was too dependent on him and couldn't do it. This led to a lot of verbal harassment from Amir's end every day until he finally moved to another city some months later."

Maddy took some time, stopping herself, taking her breath before continuing again. "Pari completely shut herself after he had moved. She stopped going out, stopped interacting with people or eating or sleeping. She was like a living dead and it was unbearable to see. I tried helping her but couldn't because she didn't want to help herself. she ended up blaming herself for spoiling their friendship and for being the reason that he had moved away because on the final day Amir had told her that she was so annoying and unbearable that he had to leave to city to make her leave him"

I felt a little empty hearing the situation that Pari had to go through thinking this was all until I heard Maddy continuing.

"But all these changed when she met Aditya, but it turned out to be worse than before. She met Aditya in her starting year of college. He was everything you can imagine a gentleman to be. He was loving and caring, all that somebody would want but with time everything changed. It started with him taking money from Pari that she didn't have. He was manipulative and manipulated her to steal from her parents and loan from her friends. He took tons and tons of money from her, he demanded expensive gifts and items. She was manipulated to buy him phones and pay his bills. She never minds because she was crazily in love with him."

Maddy now moved taking a seat on my sofa, resting her head on the backrest looking up at the ceiling. She took another deep breath to continue. "Then he started getting possessive of her. She wasn't allowed to talk to boys or do anything without his permission be it going out with her friends and family or using her phone or social media. She always needed his permission. She suffered but still loved him. It was one such incident when I had asked Pari to go out with me for some work but her then boyfriend Aditya didn't allow her so she was unwilling to go with me, but I had someone forced and convinced her to go with me. when Aditya found out her abused her in front of a huge crowd, she had a panic attack and he left her there, unknown people had to rush her to the hospital."

My blood boiled hearing about him and how disgusting the guy was. I knew I would kill him if I knew him in person.

"The relationship got more toxic with time. He started breaking up with her whenever he wanted and then taking loads of money to get back with her as if he was selling his love. She was foolish enough to continue with this even when he started threatening to break up every other day. She was constantly abused by him and his family members. Aditya's sister and mother were abusive towards her and slut shammed her and called her abusive names, Aditya and his brother followed suit."


"He had also cheated on her innumerable times with his friends and our classmates and she forgave him like a fool"

I felt my breath hitch when I heard that Pari had gotten cheated on because according to me that's the worst someone can do to another person.

"It was a late September night when she called me up and told me she ended everything with him, finally after 3 long years of abuse because this time he crossed his limits by abusing her parents, disrespecting them and calling them names. I immediately video called her and saw blood dripping from her arms. I knew she would self-hurt. She had started it back when Amir abused her but had stopped but she had again started when Aditya started slut shaming her."
"In fact,, one night when Aditya had referred to her as a slut and a whore I remember her cutting those specific words on her thighs."

I mind immediately raced to the night when I had made love to her and how I had seen marks on her thighs and arms and had kissed them to sooth the pain that was not there anymore. I had intended to ask her the story behind them but never gotten the chance. Now I knew why they were there and my blood boiled.

"The very next day there were personal chats and picture of Pari on everyone's phone. Aditya had played a dirty game with her for ditching him. He wanted revenge and he stooped as low as he can. He blamed her of cheating on him with multiple guys and people believed him because he played the victim."

I am going to kill this guy.

"Soon the news reached Pari's parents. They were ashamed and humiliated and did what most parents do. They humiliated her publicly. Told her things that would break her heart and disowned her. I tried to reach out to her but she never responded and a few days later she had vanished. Some of her things were gone, the absolute essentials, no letter no texts, nothing was left behinds. Her parents were frantic but later gave up and moved away to their ancestral home." Some believed she was dead and some thought she ran away. she left leaving everything behind. Me, her family, her end year of college and everything."

Pari I am so sorry all these happened to you, I wish I had met you earlier, I would have loved you right.

"I always believed she was going to come back and I lived with that hope. After all she is my best friend."

By the time she had ended her cheeks were soaked with tears and her voice was already broken.

I was furious, angry, hurt and in pain. All at the same time. But my blood boiled and I promised myself I would get Pari out of this.

"And I am pretty sure maybe the reason she left has something to do with her experiences. Maybe she is scared to love you back." Maddy said and I was brought back to my senses.

"I can't believe I ended up hurting Pari. The things I said to her at the party were so wrong and trust me I didn't mean them. I never meant to hurt her or abuse her, yes I was angry with her for leaving just like that and never even once thinking about me or how I would live without her."

I kept quiet.

"Anyway, I should leave now." She said. "All the best Siddharth, I hope you two ends up together. She deserves someone like you."


Hey guys, I just wanted to share something with you, some of the incidents here are based on my real life. I had lost my best friend to a fight and then he moved cause his father was transferred. Also, I had been in the abusive relationship except I when I ended thing with him for abusing my parents, he didn't take any revenge on me. We just simply cut contacts.

Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying the story and I am sorry to say this but it's ending soon. Also, thank you for all your support and love. XOXO

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