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"So this is how it's going to go, old man?" Stig chuckles as he takes his seat at his station.

"Shut up and check this out for me, pretty boy!" 

Stig  does some of his magic while I sit on the couch watching him. Exactly  like our first day together. He is shirtless, his back to me with the  Tiwaz on his back. And that scar...

My stomach churns when I see  that white line slicing through his colorful sleeve tattoo. My boy,  hurt, trying to save me. He did save me. Not only from Takeshi. He saved  me from me. I was dreading being here, permanently tied to him, the  Riders, and the Valkyries. But after a month here I feel like this is  where I have been all my life.

"Got it," Stig says and stirs me off my inner rumblings.

"Never doubted you, pretty boy." I get up and go over to look at his screens.

But the moment I get close, they all go dark. I scowl down at Stig.

"You came to me to dig info up so you could outrun Ava on this. Ava will find out and she will have my ass. Why not give it to her instead?"

His  boyish face lights up with mischief and I forget everything else. I  can't even for the life of me remember what I asked him to look up. My  body is on fire, more than the California sun coming through the window. 

"First of all," I put both hands on his ridiculous gamer's chair, "your ass belongs to none other but me."

Stig loses his smile and wiggles on his chair impatiently.

"Secondly," I come closer and lick his ear slowly, "who said I am not paying for your services?"

My  hand goes down his face, his neck, his shoulder. I linger on his scar,  caressing it slowly. Stig places his hand over mine and squeezes.

"You know," he says softly, "you still mumble about this in your sleep."

"He could have-"

"He didn't," Stig says and makes me look into his eyes. "So," his mood changes, "am I getting a blowjob or not?"

"Oh, pretty boy," I narrow my eyes, "you are getting so much more."

Without  a warning, I cup him through his jeans. His head hits the back of his chair and he pushes into my hand. His eyelashes hood his eyes and I  smile.

"So fucking hard," I say into his ear. "Every fucking time."

"For you, baby," he responds through gritted teeth.

I  keep caressing him like this, just enjoying the sight of him so taken,  so lost. And then, his eyes flutter open and he looks at me. He grabs me  and pushes me into his lap, my legs over his thighs.

"If we are dry humping, we might as well do it right," he chuckles.

He makes his point by grabbing both my ass cheeks with his hands and makes me rub on his erection.

"Fuck!" I rasp.

It's  my turn to close my eyes and get lost in the sensation. The friction is  so good, the feel of his hardness against mine. But it's not enough. I  make a move to get up but he holds me down.

"You started this, old man," he says and he grabs me tighter, stroking our joined bodies harder.

"Stig..." I let out.

"Are you going to beg me, Nat?" Stig puts one hand under my t-shirt and caresses my body. "Beg me to fuck you?"

My mouth falls open but nothing comes out.

Short Circuit (Riders Of Tyr # 7- MC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now