2. Rejecting

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"Come on!" I yell at the screen.

If I suspect that the one that just shot me in the head is a 12-year old, I will actually shoot myself in the head for real. What the fuck? I used to be good at this. What is wrong? Truth is, I know exactly what is wrong. The same thing that is wrong every year, this day.

I take off my headphones and get off the gamer's chair I have paid a small fortune for. What am I to do with myself today? Mingling with the Riders seems so little. After all, a lot has changed lately. Most of my brothers are at their own homes with their Valkyries and I don't know all the new thralls that well. And hanging with Tor and Vince...

I love being with the Riders. They took me in and they treat me well. They value my skills and let me be most of the time. I check all the "hacker-nerd" boxes so they don't ask too many questions when I am lost in my world.

What wouldn't I give to have someone close to talk to today. Or any day. But I can't. I won't. Not after what happened the last time.


Ava, I recognize the voice. This is exactly the distraction I need. Whenever Ava comes knocking, interesting things happen. And I need interesting right now more than anything.

"Coming!" I yell.

I go for the door without bothering to put on a shirt. I don't see Ava like that and Bjorn knows that. He doesn't know why, but he caught us working in my room with me in my briefs and I am still alive. He only growled threateningly. Twice. So, I guess we are cool.

Does he know? I am suddenly paranoid. He can't know! I take a deep breath to calm down. It's the day. It's nothing but the day. Be cool, stay cool.

I go for the door and open it with a whoosh. Ava is smiling her big smile at me. I like Ava. She is the only one that gets me, at least the way my brain works. I hate lying to her but it's for my safety and everyone else's probably. Even so, I can't but smile at her.

"What's up, doll?"

"I need a favor, Stiggie."

"At your service!" I fake bow.

Only when I come up, I see the man standing behind her. Fuck, I struggle to keep my eyes on Ava but I glance up to him again before I manage to focus on my friend. When I do, I find Ava looking at me with a clear question in her eyes. Was I ogling? Keep it together, Stig!

Which is a bit hard to do. The man behind her is doing two very distracting things. First, he eyeing me from head to toe. And then he just stands there. And yes that's distracting when he is looking like he does.

"Ah, Stig, I want you to meet Nathan. He is an old friend of mine," Ava says and points at the man behind her.

Nathan takes a step forth and focuses his green eyes on me. He extends a lean, muscular arm to me and I just look at his rough palms. Handshake! I take his hand in mine and I swallow. Yep, rough hands like I said, calloused and harsh. Nothing like my "I'm typing all day on my laptop" hands.

I move to take my hand away out of the most confusing handshake I ever had but he tightens his grip making me look up. There is a faint smirk on his lips and his eyes roam my body once more.

"OK, Nat here needs some help," Ava interrupts and I am grateful.

"What kind of help?" I hope I didn't squeak.

"Our kind of help," Ava raises an eyebrow.

"Why don't you help him?" I ask.

That's good. Pretend he is not right there, that he doesn't exist and that he isn't hot at all. It might work and he will either disappear or be offended and leave.

Short Circuit (Riders Of Tyr # 7- MC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now