20. Preparing

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"Would sit still for a fucking minute?" I seethe into Nathan's face.

"It's a scratch!"

"I am just going to put this one so-"

"I can do that myself. Done that a thousand times on my own!" He narrows his eyes.

"Yeah, now I am here!"

We stand there looking at each other. We say nothing but we both know it. Letting go of each other is not going to be that fucking easy after all. Not fucking easy at all. I take in Nathan's green stare and I read the same mixture of surprise, hurt and something that goes a lot deeper than lust. Not that he doesn't have a I-am-so-pissed-at-you-I-want-to-fuck-you-hard look in those damn eyes of his.

"Uhm," Anthony interrupts the staring contest.

We both turn and look at the kid. We came to a place Nathan uses, some kind of abandoned warehouse right in the middle of the industrial area of the city. I wanted to do some research in a more stealthy spot but time is of the essence.

"So, you tell us what we know while you unlock your laptop," Nathan walks up to him.

"I... I..."

"We will protect you," Nathan promises.

We? I frown but deep down I like the sound of it. And instantly a strong tether pulls at me with force. My brothers, they call me to them and my soul rejoices at their beckoning. The thought of stop being a Rider hurts me. Sure, they might let me be a nomad but it wouldn't be the same.

I don't enjoy being  Rider. I like being a Rider with them. And I am not sure how that bunch of macho straight men wouldn't accept a... faggot. And what would Nathan be? A Valkyrie? Ridiculous.

"You don't understand," Anthony says sadly and drags me away from my thoughts.

"I understand that you are way in more than you want. You help us find that kid and the men I work for will protect you."

I feel a pang of pain. That's what he meant when he said "we", not what my confused brain offered. It seems that Nathan is in fact the brains here.

"Listen, kid, I am not going to lie," Nathan sighs and sits down in the plastic chair right next to Anthony. "I am guessing you know whose kid you took."

Anthony goes pale and bites his jaw down. He sure does and he knows that he is caught in a very very bad place.

"So you know that this can get messy. But you help us and you will be spared. I will even lie and tell my employer that you came to me and volunteered to help."

"You don't understand," Anthony places his elbows on his knees and leans forward in despair.

"I have no idea what his rivals think they can accomplish taking his kid," Nathan offers, "but it is not going to work."

"Like I said," Anthony shakes his head, "you don't understand."

I frown. Something is off here.

"It's not about whose kid it is," I say.

By the way the kid shoots his head up and looks at me, I know I am right. I grab my laptop and look into the kid we are looking for. Never had it crossed my mind to check him out other than his photo. Both Nathan and I thought that anyone after the kid was after his father.

"Fuck," I hiss and glare at Anthony.

I sure wish I am wrong. Or else we wasted time fucking around in Eileen's house and that's going to be on my conscience.

Short Circuit (Riders Of Tyr # 7- MC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now