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I am looking down my phone and shake my head. No, this is certainly a bad idea.

"Don't even think about it," Stig says. "It is a bad idea."

I chuckle. He didn't even turn to look at me to do that. He is still buried in his computer and checking every last detail.

"We need muscle," I sigh.

"Same thing Tor said when I reported in," Stig growls. "Way too old school, man. And are you sure you want to let the kid's father know? He will mobilize his crew alright. We will have all the muscle we need. And he will go in, kill everyone. Brutally. So, going in, guns blazing? Will most likely get us all, including the kid, killed. But Tyr is watching over us." His smile is filled with malice.

"What do you have?"

"Brains and a fucking magic wand."

I lean closer to him to breathe into his ear.

"I do not know about that first thing but hell... you sure got a magic wand."

Then and only then does he take his eyes off the screen to look at me. It is the tension, I know. The adrenaline pumping that makes us both crazy with want, looking for a way to release the pressure. Three kids, four if you count Antony - and I do count Antony - are hanging from this. One, we cannot help. But the others? It comes down to us to get them out of this safely.

"Fuck, Nat," Stig growls. "I cannot fucking concentrate when you are around. And concentration is my middle name."

"You seem pretty concentrated to me," I smile.

"Oh, are you nagging me, old man? Feeling left out?"

I sigh. This is a serious fucked-up game we are playing. What do we do? We can't let go, we can't hold on.

"OK, tell you what." Stig takes the reins. "After all this is done and everyone is safely where they are supposed to be, we will go back to your friend's house."

I go hard.

"For one," Stig whispers as he pulls me down, "last," he growls, "long round."

I swallow.

"OK," is all I am able to say right now.

Stig laughs and his whole body shakes beautifully. Mind you, still no tee on. I will never get bored with this sight.

"Now, can I, please, finish this so we can go take our places?"

"First, you are going to tell me what have you planned?"

"Operation Karma Bitch."


There is no way to check upon Anthony but through the same feed he is claiming to be in charge of. In a way he is. All the security guards are seeing is an empty terminal. What I am seeing in the actual feed is a lot more concerning.

"I told you we needed more muscle." I breathe down Stig's neck.

Can you blame me? There are at least ten heavily armed men there. And two kids. Anthony is looking quite nervous but thankfully everyone is too busy looking at the private jet that is docked. Stig has forged the entrance log for this landing as well to help Anthony.

As for the other kid? I can tell that he has been spared - of course he was, he is a precious cargo - and that those hardened cartel genes paid off. He seems worried but so far he hasn't broken down in tears. I am just hoping it is not because he is absolutely terrified.

Short Circuit (Riders Of Tyr # 7- MC Romance)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt