19. Finding

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We are outside the place Stig led us to. I have no fucking idea how he did that but after he spent the whole day on his laptop, he told me to get ready and we drove here. He is on his bike on the other corner, half-hidden by a fence and I am in the rental. We both have a perfect view of a house that has seen better days and seems abandoned.

"Are you sure this is the place?" I ask.

"I watched the footage, Nat." His voice tortures through the com. "Only one guy going in with a laptop and then leaving in hurry without. They sure weren't expecting you and the panic worked in our favor. After all, they were sure you would never crack the encryption."

It makes sense to me.

"My guess?" Stig continues. "That guy is not a hardened street fucker. He doesn't even have a parking ticket in his name. If we were ever raided I have wipe mechanisms in place to protect the Riders and a plan to have all I need with me in an encrypted laptop as well. I would never ever leave that laptop behind. No matter what."

"So, what your guess?"

"Some wizz kid alright but... I see movement!"

I turn and see a kid walking up to the house. And when I say kid, I see a 16, 17-year-old, with dirty sneakers and messy hair.

"I got a clear picture and will run it now," Stig informs me and I see him work on his laptop.

I am on the edge as I wait and I take my binoculars. The windows are closed and the blinds drawn and I know the other door in has been barricaded when I did the round of the house. I could not hear anyone else inside and Stig said the place belongs to the bank.

I look over the corner where Stig is. He is concentrated on what he is doing and that means that he pulls on his lip ring again and again. I follow the movement mesmerized. I know that fucking on that carpet closed the circle and we are all done with each other. I know I should be concentrating on that missing kid and another kid that is involved in this. I know I should know better. But-

"Got him," Stig says and I see him look my way.

"What's his rap sheet?"



 "What do you have then?"

"A missing person report. Two years back. San Diego. His name is Anthony Garcia. I am doing a background check, but from what I see he was adopted from Colombia after living in the streets while he was 4 - 5 years old. That's all I got for now."

A runaway.

"What do you want to do?" Stig asks. "Do we wait for anyone else to show up?"

"No one will show up. Let's go," I say and grab my gun.

Stig nods across the street and he too, makes sure his gun is ready before pulling up the street. We know that there is only one way in. Assuming that the kid is not stupid to barricade his only other way out of there, I am guessing he has done something to ensure no one gets in without him knowing and some shit going down.

"Stay in the perimeter," I tell Stig once we meet.

"I got something better," Stig says and puts down a bag he has brought with him from the house. "I found this still in its box. I am guessing your friend wouldn't mind."

He takes out a drone and uses his phone to start it.

"That shit is cutting edge, light as a feather and absolutely quiet," he has the drone hover over my head. If that little fucker has another way out of here, we will know," he says and has the drone fly over the house while he is watching his phone.

Short Circuit (Riders Of Tyr # 7- MC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now